Обложка журнала
Title (English)
Language of publication
Russian, English
2223-4608 (print)
Periodicity (English)

Issue frequency is once a month; page count is up to 100 pages.

Russian science citation index:
Yes 32611
Russian higher attestation Commission:
Yes K1



(Materials that do not meet these requirements will be reported out!!!)

The following materials are provided to the editorial office in electronic form:


1. The text of the article (to a maximum of 15 sheets) as Microsoft Word files. The text of the article should be strictly structured, i.e. (but not limited to): Introduction; Materials and methods; Results and Discussion; Conclusions.

2. Numbered illustrations as a Microsoft Word file.

3. The original illustrations as raster graphics files (with the extension .jpg, .tif, png, etc.), resolution 400 dpi. Drawing annotations are of upright type (neither italics nor bold), proper case. The font is Times, font size 10.

4. Information about the authors (surname, first name, patronymic, academic degree, academic title, name of the organization (institution), its division where the author works or studies, address of the organization (institution), its division where the author works or studies (city and country), position, contact phone and e-mail, the Open Researcher and Contributor ID –ORCID) (if available) as a Microsoft Word file.

5. Information about the contributorship, if a number of authors, is given at the end of the article. This information is preceded by the words "Contribution of the authors:". After the surname and initials of the author, his personal contribution to the writing of the article is briefly outlined (idea, collection and information resources processing, writing of the article, scientific editing, etc.).

6. Information on a non-conflict of interests or if any, the details of such a conflict, if any, are given at the end of the article. Example: Contribution of authors: All authors have made an equivalent contribution to the preparation of the publication. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests.

7. Expert opinion on the possibility of general publication.

8. Depersonalized text of the article for blind review. All information about the authors, place of work, financing, contribution of the authors and non- conflict interest information is deleted.

9. Text formation for TP

The text of the article should be structured as follows:

1. Information about the article:

1.1. Type of article: scientific article, review article, editorial article, discussion article, editorial note, book review, article review, etc.

1.2. UDC index (can be found by link reference:  http://teacode.com/online/udc/).

1.3. The title of the article (the title of the article should be summed up and informative).

1.4. Last name, first name, patronymic of the authors.

1.5. Address data of the authors (name of the organization (institution), its division where the author works or studies, address of the organization (institution), its division where the author works or studies (city and country), e-mail, ORCID). 1.6. The abstract is formed according to National Standard (GOST R 7.0.99-2018). The abstract of the article should be cut up to 200-250 words. The word "Abstract" is given before the annotation. The abstract should briefly reflect the essence of the article: research methods, obtained results, etc.

1.7. Keywords (phrases) should correspond to the topic of the article, reflecting its theme and terminological area. Words with generalized and polysemous meanings can't be used, participial clauses are not possible. The number of keywords (phrases) should not be less than 3 and more than 7 words (phrases). They are given, preceded by the words "Keywords:", and separated from each other by commas. No making a full stop in the final period of keywords.

1.8. Where appropriate, after keywords the acknowledgements are given to organizations (institutions), scientific supervisors and others who lent a hand in the preparation of the article, information about grants, of the preparation and publication of the article, projects, research works within or based on the results of which the article was published. This information is given with the preceding word "Acknowledgements". If necessary, information on the financing of the research, preparation and publication of the article can be given separately with the preceding word "Financing:".

2. The text of the article.

Font – Times New Roman, 12 points, 1.5 line spacing, paged. The dimension of all units must be given in SI system. Formulas are typed in the formula editor Microsoft Equation 3.0.

3. References is drawn up according to the National Standard (GOST R. 7.0.5-2008) and amounts to a minimum of 10. At least 15 titles are allowed in the review article. The after text bibliographic reference list includes reference resources that are mentioned or quoted in the main text of the article. Bibliographic entries in the list of after text bibliographic references are numbered and arranged in the order of citation of sources in the text of the article. References to nonfiction are allowed on or after the date of 1970, 10-year older references accounts for 10% at the most. Self-citation should not exceed 40% of the total number of titles. If the sources have a digital object identifier (DOI) and/or an eLibrary Document Number (END), the identification is required.

4. Information about the contribution of each author, if the article has several authors, is given at the end of the article. This information is preceded by the words "Contribution of the authors". After the surname and initials of the author, his personal contribution to the writing of the article is briefly described (idea, collection, information processing, writing of the article, scientific editing, etc.).

5. Information on the absence or presence of a conflict of interest and the details of such a conflict, if any. Example: Contribution of authors:

All authors have made an equivalent contribution to the preparation of the publication. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.


An example of text forming

Submit a manuscript for publication

Information about the authors



The editorial policy of the scientific journal "Science-Intensive Technologies in Mechanical Engineering" is based on the traditional ethical principles of Russian scientific periodicals and is built on international ethical standards of editors and publishers in conducting, describing, editing and publishing the results of scientific work. The principles of the International Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the basic principles of the Declaration "Ethical Principles of Scientific Publications" of the Ethics Council of the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers (ASEP) the provisions of Chapter 70 "Copyright law" of the Russian Civil Code (RCC).

In its work, the editorial board of the scientific journal "Science-Intensive Technologies in Mechanical Engineering" also relies on the provisions of the Helsinki Declaration of the World Medical Association (WMA Declaration of Helsinki - Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects) and is aimed at Ethical practices and rules for data collection for research conducted under human participation. The discovery of ethical violations makes null and void of publication.


1. Responsibilities of the publisher

In all activities, the publisher is responsible for the publication of copyrighted works. The publisher and the founder must follow the principles and procedures that provide ethical standards compliance for editors, reviewers and authors of publications. They shall not influence the editorial policy of a scientific journal. The editorial board of the scientific journal "Science-intensive technologies in Mechanical Engineering" makes an independent decision on the appropriateness of publication, without let or hindrance either from a publisher or a founder. The publisher and the founder should provide legal and other support to the editorial board, when necessary, including in conducting investigations of cases of unfair research and publication practices and make for the settlement of question. They ensure the timeliness for the instalment. The publisher and the founder, subject to arranging details with the editor-in-chief of the journal, can publish edits, explanations and withdraw articles in which violations of scientific ethics or critical errors have been identified. In scenarios where a violation of publication ethics on the part of the editor, author or reviewer appears to be the case, a compelling disclosure is required. This applies to both published and unpublished materials. The editorial board is obliged to demand clarification without involving persons who may have a conflict of interest with one of the parties. In case of publication of the material with significant incorrectness it must be revised with immediate effect in a form accessible to readers and indexing systems. In order to ensure the reliability of the published data, if errors are clear-cut within the paper, it is possible to publish corrections, clarifications, rejections and apologies as soon as possible.

All interested parties should avoid conflicts of interest in any form at all stages of the article's publication process. In the event of a conflict of interest in any form, the person who first discovered such a conflict should immediately inform the editorial office. The same holds for any violations of ethical conventions and rules.

In case of ethical claims regarding articles published in a scientific journal, the editor-in-chief, together with the publisher and the founder, take appropriate measures based on the "Retraction Guidelines" The International Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Such measures include a fact-finding inquiry by the editorial board of the scientific journal "Science-Intensive Technologies in Mechanical Engineering" of unethical conduct, interaction with the authors of the scientific article and argumentation of the relevant complaint or claim of the applicant, as well as imply interaction with relevant organizations and research centers within the framework of cooperation on the integrity of the study or publication withdrawal.


2. Responsibilities of authors

When submitting an article to the editorial board, the authors should adhere to a tradition of a prudent approach and be aware of their personal liability for the novelty and reliability of the results of scientific research.

The decision to accept an article is based on:

  — the originality of the text;

— scientific relevance and novelty of the material;

— reliability of statistical data and research results;

— compliance of papers with the journal profile;

  • objectivity of arguments.

By submitting an article to the editorial board, the authors thereby confirm the originality of the article, that it has not been previously published and is not under consideration by the editorial board of another journal. The results discussed in the article should meet the criterion of repeatability by other researchers. All data processing methods, as well as the logic of their interpretation, should be absolutely transparent. All materials submitted to the editorial office are checked using the Anti-Plagiarism text loan detection system (https://tu-bryansk.antiplagiat.ru /). In case of detection of numerous borrowings (duplicate publication, plagiarism, self-plagiarism, unfair citation, etc.), the editorial board reserves the right of further non-cooperation with all co-authors.

Authors can use financial support when publishing their research (all sources of funding should be indicated by the authors in the paper).

Authors should provide only authentic facts and information in the manuscript; do not use information obtained privately (in correspondence, conversation, discussion with third parties or in the provision of confidential services), without written permission of a third party; do not allow fabrication and falsification of data.

All persons who have made a significant contribution to the research should be listed as co-authors of the paper. The author undertakes to indicate correctly all scientific and other sources in the reference list that he used during the preparation of the paper and which had a significant impact on the results of the study. If the author discovers significant errors or inaccuracies in the publication, he must inform the editor of the journal and interact with him to correct the manuscript as soon as possible.


3. Responsibilities of the editor

The editorial board is fully responsible and has the authority to reject or accept papers for publication and should not have a conflict of interest with the materials that are rejected or accepted for publication. The editorial board ensures the confidentiality of the submitted materials until they are accepted for publication. It decides which of the submitted articles should be published based on the results of the verification of compliance with the conditions of publication and the results of the review.

The editorial board of the journal evaluates only the scientific content of the article, regardless of race, nationality, origin, citizenship, gender, occupation, place of work, residence of the author, as well as his political, philosophical, religious and other views.

The editorial board guarantees that the materials of the scientific paper rejected from publication will not be used in the works of the editorial board members without written permission of the author. The final texts of papers should be agreed with the authors. The editorial board protects the reputation of the authors and takes seriously all cases of plagiarism and other facts of unfair behavior when publishing a scientific paper.

The editorial board under no circumstances should force authors to cite articles published in Science Intensive Technologies in Mechanical Engineering or other periodicals as a necessary condition to accept the manuscript for consideration and publication.

When exercising their activity, editors rely on the editorial board. The general management of the editorial office is carried out by the editor-in-chief and deputy editor-in-chief. The editorial board constantly cooperates with other publishers and industry associations on various issues, including ethical issues.


4. Responsibilities of peer reviewers

The reviewers of the journal follow exclusively "double blind" peer review policy. Reviewers carry out a scientific examination of the author's materials and their actions should be unbiased, which means the implementation of the following principles.

The editorial board ensures that reviewers are anonymous.

Reviewers are required to have sufficient qualifications for an expert assessment of the content of a scientific paper. Reviewers should participate in forming the editorial policy of the journal, give an objective assessment (personal criticism of the author is unacceptable). They should submit a review within the time limits specified by the editorial board of the journal. Reviewers should clearly express their opinion giving arguments. Unpublished information obtained from the manuscripts submitted for consideration cannot be used for personal purposes without the written permission of the authors.

If the reviewer identifies incorrect, erroneous provisions or distorted data, he reports this to the editorial board of the journal in the prescribed manner so that the identified violations are eliminated by the author. Reviewers should also indicate the works that influenced the results of the study, but were not given by the author, if any, so they protect the rights of third parties from unauthorized use of materials.

Rules of Publication

  1. The editorial board evaluates the submitted documents in terms of their completeness (in accordance with paragraph 4), screens the text of the paper for unoriginal material using "Antiplagiat" system and reviews the papers in terms of relevance, scientific novelty, quality, compliance with the main scientific and technical fields of the journal.
  2. If the paper is returned for revision by the editorial board recommendation (up to 7 working days), the journal indicates the date of receiving the corrected text.
  3. Authors of papers are not paid a fee; papers are published free of charge.

Requirements to the publications: :https://bstu.editorum.ru/ru/nauka/journal/79/view#about-journal

  1. The papers that do not correspond to the subject matter of the journal and those not meeting its requirements, as well as submitted not in full completeness, will not be accepted. Manuscripts are not returned to their authors. The editorial board is not obliged to review all incoming materials and does not discuss rejected manuscripts with the authors.

All the authors publishing materials in the journal Science-Intensive Technologies in Mechanical Engineering agree to the following terms:

  1. The authors retain copyright and grant the journal the right to the first publication so that allowing other users to share the work with confirmation of the authorship of the work and the initial publication in this journal.
  2. Authors may conclude a standalone agreement for the non-exclusive publicity of the published version of the work (for example, to place it in an institutional repository or as a a book material) with confirmation of its initial publication in this journal.
  3. Authors are allowed and encouraged to post their work online (for example, in institutional repositories or on their website) before and during the submission process, as this can lead to productive sharing, as well as earlier and wider citations of published works.

Requirements to the publications: https://bstu.editorum.ru/ru/nauka/journal/79/view#about-journal

Copyright Transfer Agreement


Journal edition reviews all materials submitted to the editorial office that correspond to the subject matters for their evaluation. All reviewers hold a PhD of Engineering. All reviewers are recognized experts in the field of the reviewed materials and have papers in the same scope published within the last 3 years. The recommendations of the reviewers are the basis for making a decision on the publication of the article. The review in the form of a copy is submitted to the editorial board of the journal within the time limits set by the editorial board. The reviewers may be members of the editorial board of the journal.

When positive (or negative) reviews of the article in question are received by the editorial board, one of the members of the editorial board, who is in supervision of the section in which this article is supposed to be published, the editor-in-chief or deputy editor-in-chief, observes it and decides on the possibility of its publication or rejection.

The reviewers of the journal follow exclusively "double blind" peer review policy, that is the identities of the reviewer and the author are withheld from reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process. To facilitate this, authors need to make sure that their manuscripts are prepared in a way that withhold their identity. For simplicity of this preparation, please make sure of the following when submitting your application: send your information kit accompanied by a Blind manuscript without information about the author and as a separate file.

Information content for a Blind manuscript preparation:

1. Besides clear need of removing names and references under the title in the manuscript, some other steps must be taken to make sure that the manuscript is properly prepared for double-blind review. To help in this process, the following key points are required:
2.  Use a third party to refer to work previously performed by the authors, for example, replace any phrases like “as we showed earlier” with “... it was shown earlier [Anonymous, 2017]".

3. Make sure that the drawings do not contain any identifiers associated with the authoring. Do not exclude significant references to yourself or other references, but limit references only to articles that are relevant to those who review the submitted article.

4. Remove links to funding sources.

5. No acknowledgements

6. Remove any identifying information from the file names, including the names of the authors, make sure that the document properties are also anonymized.


List of retracted articles

Information about articles retracting is given in the journal and available for electronic libraries and other information sources.

Subscription and purchase

Journal circulation is possible by subscription

- on the website of the United Catalog of the Press of Russia www.pressa-rf.ru . Catalog index: 79195;

- on the website of the Online catalog "Subscription Press" www.akc.ru . Catalog index: E79195.


Journal purchasing is possible directly from the journal publisher

Contacts: Mikhail Shalygin, Deputy Editor-in-Chief; phone: +7-4832-56-08-10, +7-903-868-85-68; e-mail: editntm@yandex.ru

Publication fee

There is no publication fee.

Suslov Anatoliy  — Chief Editor
Bryansk State Technical University (Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology, Laureate of the Government Prize)
doctor of technical sciences
Academic rank Laureat premii Pravitel'stva ,
Honored Master of Sciences and Engineering, RF Government Award Holder
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Prikhodko Vyachyeslav  — Chairman of the Editorial Board
The Moscow State Technical University - MADI (prof.)
doctor of technical sciences
corresponding member Russian Academy of Sciences ,
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
SPIN: 9548-8428
Grigoryants Aleksandr  — Deputy of Chairman of the Editorial Board
Bauman Moscow State Technical University (department “Laser Technology”, Head of the department)
doctor of technical sciences
Moskva, Russian Federation
SPIN: 9922-3771
Bazrov Boris  — Editorial Board member
Institute of Mashine Science named after Blagonravov RAS (Chief researcher)
doctor of technical sciences
Moskva, Russian Federation
SPIN: 3695-3125 ORCID:0000-0003-3297-9818
Demin Virtor  — Editorial Board member
Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Department of Pressure Treatment Technology, Professor, Professor)
doctor of technical sciences
Moskva, Russian Federation
SPIN: 9847-7485 ORCID:0000-0002-6082-9561
Lysak Vladimir  — Editorial Board member
Volgograd State Technical University (Department of Welding Equipment and Technology, Head of the department)
doctor of technical sciences
academician Russian Academy of Sciences ,
Volgograd, Russian Federation
SPIN: 2378-3391 ORCID:0000-0003-3066-058X
Makarov Vladimir  — Editorial Board member
Perm National Research Polytechnic University (Department of Innovative Engineering Technologies, Professor, Holder of the chair ad interim)
doctor of technical sciences
Perm, Perm, Russian Federation
SPIN: 4262-3182 ORCID:0000-0002-0383-0208
Mikhailov Alexander  — Editorial Board member
Donetsk National Technical University (Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology, Head of the department)
doctor of technical sciences
Donetsk, Russian Federation
SPIN: 5180-8936
Kheyfetz Mikhail  — Editorial Board member
State Scientific Institution "Institute of Applied Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus" (Director of the Institute)
doctor of technical sciences
Minsk, Belarus
SPIN: 6090-1490 ORCID:0000-0002-6942-3605
Chigirinsky Julius  — Editorial Board member
Volgograd State Technical University (Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology, Head of the department)
doctor of technical sciences
Volgograd, Russian Federation
SPIN: 4817-4424 ORCID:0000-0001-5620-5337
Larin Sergey  — Editorial board member
Tula State University (Department of Plastic Foming Mechanics, Head of the department)
doctor of technical sciences
Tula, Russian Federation
SPIN: 9952-8249 ORCID:0000-0002-9063-1548
Ovchinnikov Viktor  — Editorial board member
Russian Aircraft Corporate Enterprise MiG (Welding processes laboratory, Head of the Laboratory)
doctor of technical sciences
Moscow, Russian Federation
SPIN: 3367-9330 ORCID:0000-0003-2948-2202
Malikov Andrey  — Editorial board member
Tula State University (Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology, Pro-Rector of Financial Activities, Head of the Department)
doctor of technical sciences
Tula, Tula, Russian Federation
SPIN: 9992-6480 ORCID:0000-0002-6757-5584
Shalygin Mikhail  — Deputy Editor-in-chief
Bryansk State Technical University (Department of Turbine Engineering and Pipeline Transport Systems, Professor, Head of the Department)
doctor of technical sciences
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
SPIN: 4412-1448 ORCID:0000-0002-8102-9918
Buyanovskiy Ilya  — Editorial Board member
Institute of Mashine Science named after Blagonravov, RAS (Head of the Laboratory)
doctor of technical sciences
Moskva, Russian Federation
SPIN: 1051-7401 ORCID:0000-0003-0691-5095
Waldenmaier Thomas  — Editorial Board member
Robert Bosch GmbH (Senior Expert, Head of the research group)
doctor of technical sciences
Stuttgart, Germany
Huseynov Hasan  — Editorial Board member
Azerbaijan Technical University (Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology, professor)
doctor of technical sciences
Baku, Azerbaijan
SPIN: 9601-0077 ORCID:0000-0002-2030-0428
Kawalek Anna  — Editorial Board member
Czestochowa University of Technology (professor)
doctor of technical sciences
Czestochowa, Poland
Krehel Radoslav  — Editorial Board member
Kapusana Bioenergy Research Center (Researcher)
doctor of technical sciences
Kapusany, Slovakia
Kuksenova Lidiya  — Editorial Board member
Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Chief researcher)
doctor of technical sciences
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Myshkin Nikolai  — Editorial Board member
Institute of Mechanics of Metal Polymer Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (Department of Friction and Lubrication, Head of the Department)
doctor of technical sciences
Academic rank Academician of NAS Belarus
Gomel, Belarus
SPIN: 1904-1030
Petrova Larisa  — Editorial Board member
Moscow Automobile and Road Engineering State Technical University (MADI) (Department of Construction Materials Engineering, Head of the Department)
doctor of technical sciences
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
SPIN: 5452-2754 ORCID:0000-0002-7248-2454
Fedonin Oleg  — Editorial Board member
Bryansk State Technical University (Rector, Professor)
doctor of technical sciences
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
SPIN: 6889-5411 ORCID:0000-0002-3511-699X
Shohiyon Almossho  — Editorial Board member
Institute of Technologies and Innovation Management in Kulyab (Rector)
doctor of technical sciences
Kulob, Tajikistan
Smolentsev Vladislav  — Editorial Board member
Voronezh State Technical University (Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology, Professor)

SPIN: 8542-4357 ORCID:0009-0000-0327-0354
Lukashova Elena  — Editor
Bryansk State Technical University (Department of Turbine Engineering and Pipeline Transport Systems)
candidate of technical sciences
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
SPIN: 1824-9222 ORCID:0000-0002-2236-728X
Klenicheva Anastasia Yur'evna  — Editor
Bryanskiy gosudarstvennyy tehnicheskiy universitet (Department of Turbine Engineering and Pipeline Transport Systems)
Russian Federation
Lukashov Nikolay  — Editor
Bryansk State Technical University (Department of High–Tech Transport Engineering, Assistant)
graduate student
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
SPIN: 4885-9343

Архивные рубрики

Bryansk State Technical University
Bryansk State Technical University
The certificate of registration of the periodical
Свидетельство ПИ № ФС 77-75524

Item of information on customized edition

The journal is included in the list of publications of the Higher Attestation Commission approved for applicants for academic degrees in scientific specialties: 2.5.3 - Friction and wear in machines; 2.5.5 - Technology and equipment of mechanical and physico-technical processing; 2.5.6 - Mechanical engineering technology; 2.5.7 - Technology and pressure treatment machines; 2.5.8 - Welding, related processes and technologies; 2.6.17 - Materials Science (by industry) (technical sciences).

The journal is included in the Russian Science Citation Index (SCI).

The journal is part of the core of the RSCI.

Main sections:

Materials science in mechanical engineering

Technology and equipment of metal processing by pressure

Welding, related processes and technologies

Additive technologies and laser processing

Technologies of mechanical processing of workpieces

Technologies of electromachining and combined processing

Science intensive technologies of nonmetallic parts production

Technological processes automated control

Science intensive technologies in machine assembly

Surface layer quality, contact interaction, friction and wear of machine parts

Technological support of operational properties of machine parts and their connections

Science intensive technologies in coating, parts repair and recovery


Bryansk State Technical University received a valid DOI prefix in February 2018 and appears in the registration agency Crossref as an independent publisher (Bryansk State Technical University).

The policy of the editorial board of the journal is aimed at no breach of laws by all the members, including founders, publishers, authors, editors, reviewers, members of the editorial Board and the editorial staff of the customized edition, i.e. complying with the laws of the Russian Federation on copyright, adherence to the Declaration of Ethics for the publications of the Editorial Board, based on the Sarajevo Declaration on the Integrity and Visibility of Scientific Publications (2017) and the Declaration "Ethical Principles of Scientific Publications" adopted by AIRP (Alliance of Independent Regional Publishers, 2017)


The editorial board of the journal does not do with manuscripts submitted for publication in other editions. In the event of the discovery of this fact, the editorial board of the journal will have to retract (withdraw) such a publication. Information about the retraction of articles is posted on the publication's website, also it can be found in the issues of the journal and the State Comission for Academic Degrees and Titles of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and the Council on Ethics of Scientific Publications of AIRP.



(Materials that do not meet these requirements will be reported out!!!)

The following materials are provided to the editorial office in electronic form:


1. The text of the article (to a maximum of 15 sheets) as Microsoft Word files. The text of the article should be strictly structured, i.e. (but not limited to): Introduction; Materials and methods; Results and Discussion; Conclusions.

2. Numbered illustrations as a Microsoft Word file.

3. The original illustrations as raster graphics files (with the extension .jpg, .tif, png, etc.), resolution 400 dpi. Drawing annotations are of upright type (neither italics nor bold), proper case. The font is Times, font size 10.

4. Information about the authors (surname, first name, patronymic, academic degree, academic title, name of the organization (institution), its division where the author works or studies, address of the organization (institution), its division where the author works or studies (city and country), position, contact phone and e-mail, the Open Researcher and Contributor ID –ORCID) (if available) as a Microsoft Word file.

5. Information about the contributorship, if a number of authors, is given at the end of the article. This information is preceded by the words "Contribution of the authors:". After the surname and initials of the author, his personal contribution to the writing of the article is briefly outlined (idea, collection and information resources processing, writing of the article, scientific editing, etc.).

6. Information on a non-conflict of interests or if any, the details of such a conflict, if any, are given at the end of the article. Example: Contribution of authors: All authors have made an equivalent contribution to the preparation of the publication. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests.

7. Expert opinion on the possibility of general publication.

8. Depersonalized text of the article for blind review. All information about the authors, place of work, financing, contribution of the authors and non- conflict interest information is deleted.

9. Text formation for TP

The text of the article should be structured as follows:

1. Information about the article:

1.1. Type of article: scientific article, review article, editorial article, discussion article, editorial note, book review, article review, etc.

1.2. UDC index (can be found by link reference:  http://teacode.com/online/udc/).

1.3. The title of the article (the title of the article should be summed up and informative).

1.4. Last name, first name, patronymic of the authors.

1.5. Address data of the authors (name of the organization (institution), its division where the author works or studies, address of the organization (institution), its division where the author works or studies (city and country), e-mail, ORCID). 1.6. The abstract is formed according to National Standard (GOST R 7.0.99-2018). The abstract of the article should be cut up to 200-250 words. The word "Abstract" is given before the annotation. The abstract should briefly reflect the essence of the article: research methods, obtained results, etc.

1.7. Keywords (phrases) should correspond to the topic of the article, reflecting its theme and terminological area. Words with generalized and polysemous meanings can't be used, participial clauses are not possible. The number of keywords (phrases) should not be less than 3 and more than 7 words (phrases). They are given, preceded by the words "Keywords:", and separated from each other by commas. No making a full stop in the final period of keywords.

1.8. Where appropriate, after keywords the acknowledgements are given to organizations (institutions), scientific supervisors and others who lent a hand in the preparation of the article, information about grants, of the preparation and publication of the article, projects, research works within or based on the results of which the article was published. This information is given with the preceding word "Acknowledgements". If necessary, information on the financing of the research, preparation and publication of the article can be given separately with the preceding word "Financing:".

2. The text of the article.

Font – Times New Roman, 12 points, 1.5 line spacing, paged. The dimension of all units must be given in SI system. Formulas are typed in the formula editor Microsoft Equation 3.0.

3. References is drawn up according to the National Standard (GOST R. 7.0.5-2008) and amounts to a minimum of 10. At least 15 titles are allowed in the review article. The after text bibliographic reference list includes reference resources that are mentioned or quoted in the main text of the article. Bibliographic entries in the list of after text bibliographic references are numbered and arranged in the order of citation of sources in the text of the article. References to nonfiction are allowed on or after the date of 1970, 10-year older references accounts for 10% at the most. Self-citation should not exceed 40% of the total number of titles. If the sources have a digital object identifier (DOI) and/or an eLibrary Document Number (END), the identification is required.

4. Information about the contribution of each author, if the article has several authors, is given at the end of the article. This information is preceded by the words "Contribution of the authors". After the surname and initials of the author, his personal contribution to the writing of the article is briefly described (idea, collection, information processing, writing of the article, scientific editing, etc.).

5. Information on the absence or presence of a conflict of interest and the details of such a conflict, if any. Example: Contribution of authors:

All authors have made an equivalent contribution to the preparation of the publication. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.


An example of text forming

Submit a manuscript for publication

Information about the authors



The editorial policy of the scientific journal "Science-Intensive Technologies in Mechanical Engineering" is based on the traditional ethical principles of Russian scientific periodicals and is built on international ethical standards of editors and publishers in conducting, describing, editing and publishing the results of scientific work. The principles of the International Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the basic principles of the Declaration "Ethical Principles of Scientific Publications" of the Ethics Council of the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers (ASEP) the provisions of Chapter 70 "Copyright law" of the Russian Civil Code (RCC).

In its work, the editorial board of the scientific journal "Science-Intensive Technologies in Mechanical Engineering" also relies on the provisions of the Helsinki Declaration of the World Medical Association (WMA Declaration of Helsinki - Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects) and is aimed at Ethical practices and rules for data collection for research conducted under human participation. The discovery of ethical violations makes null and void of publication.


1. Responsibilities of the publisher

In all activities, the publisher is responsible for the publication of copyrighted works. The publisher and the founder must follow the principles and procedures that provide ethical standards compliance for editors, reviewers and authors of publications. They shall not influence the editorial policy of a scientific journal. The editorial board of the scientific journal "Science-intensive technologies in Mechanical Engineering" makes an independent decision on the appropriateness of publication, without let or hindrance either from a publisher or a founder. The publisher and the founder should provide legal and other support to the editorial board, when necessary, including in conducting investigations of cases of unfair research and publication practices and make for the settlement of question. They ensure the timeliness for the instalment. The publisher and the founder, subject to arranging details with the editor-in-chief of the journal, can publish edits, explanations and withdraw articles in which violations of scientific ethics or critical errors have been identified. In scenarios where a violation of publication ethics on the part of the editor, author or reviewer appears to be the case, a compelling disclosure is required. This applies to both published and unpublished materials. The editorial board is obliged to demand clarification without involving persons who may have a conflict of interest with one of the parties. In case of publication of the material with significant incorrectness it must be revised with immediate effect in a form accessible to readers and indexing systems. In order to ensure the reliability of the published data, if errors are clear-cut within the paper, it is possible to publish corrections, clarifications, rejections and apologies as soon as possible.

All interested parties should avoid conflicts of interest in any form at all stages of the article's publication process. In the event of a conflict of interest in any form, the person who first discovered such a conflict should immediately inform the editorial office. The same holds for any violations of ethical conventions and rules.

In case of ethical claims regarding articles published in a scientific journal, the editor-in-chief, together with the publisher and the founder, take appropriate measures based on the "Retraction Guidelines" The International Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Such measures include a fact-finding inquiry by the editorial board of the scientific journal "Science-Intensive Technologies in Mechanical Engineering" of unethical conduct, interaction with the authors of the scientific article and argumentation of the relevant complaint or claim of the applicant, as well as imply interaction with relevant organizations and research centers within the framework of cooperation on the integrity of the study or publication withdrawal.


2. Responsibilities of authors

When submitting an article to the editorial board, the authors should adhere to a tradition of a prudent approach and be aware of their personal liability for the novelty and reliability of the results of scientific research.

The decision to accept an article is based on:

  — the originality of the text;

— scientific relevance and novelty of the material;

— reliability of statistical data and research results;

— compliance of papers with the journal profile;

  • objectivity of arguments.

By submitting an article to the editorial board, the authors thereby confirm the originality of the article, that it has not been previously published and is not under consideration by the editorial board of another journal. The results discussed in the article should meet the criterion of repeatability by other researchers. All data processing methods, as well as the logic of their interpretation, should be absolutely transparent. All materials submitted to the editorial office are checked using the Anti-Plagiarism text loan detection system (https://tu-bryansk.antiplagiat.ru /). In case of detection of numerous borrowings (duplicate publication, plagiarism, self-plagiarism, unfair citation, etc.), the editorial board reserves the right of further non-cooperation with all co-authors.

Authors can use financial support when publishing their research (all sources of funding should be indicated by the authors in the paper).

Authors should provide only authentic facts and information in the manuscript; do not use information obtained privately (in correspondence, conversation, discussion with third parties or in the provision of confidential services), without written permission of a third party; do not allow fabrication and falsification of data.

All persons who have made a significant contribution to the research should be listed as co-authors of the paper. The author undertakes to indicate correctly all scientific and other sources in the reference list that he used during the preparation of the paper and which had a significant impact on the results of the study. If the author discovers significant errors or inaccuracies in the publication, he must inform the editor of the journal and interact with him to correct the manuscript as soon as possible.


3. Responsibilities of the editor

The editorial board is fully responsible and has the authority to reject or accept papers for publication and should not have a conflict of interest with the materials that are rejected or accepted for publication. The editorial board ensures the confidentiality of the submitted materials until they are accepted for publication. It decides which of the submitted articles should be published based on the results of the verification of compliance with the conditions of publication and the results of the review.

The editorial board of the journal evaluates only the scientific content of the article, regardless of race, nationality, origin, citizenship, gender, occupation, place of work, residence of the author, as well as his political, philosophical, religious and other views.

The editorial board guarantees that the materials of the scientific paper rejected from publication will not be used in the works of the editorial board members without written permission of the author. The final texts of papers should be agreed with the authors. The editorial board protects the reputation of the authors and takes seriously all cases of plagiarism and other facts of unfair behavior when publishing a scientific paper.

The editorial board under no circumstances should force authors to cite articles published in Science Intensive Technologies in Mechanical Engineering or other periodicals as a necessary condition to accept the manuscript for consideration and publication.

When exercising their activity, editors rely on the editorial board. The general management of the editorial office is carried out by the editor-in-chief and deputy editor-in-chief. The editorial board constantly cooperates with other publishers and industry associations on various issues, including ethical issues.


4. Responsibilities of peer reviewers

The reviewers of the journal follow exclusively "double blind" peer review policy. Reviewers carry out a scientific examination of the author's materials and their actions should be unbiased, which means the implementation of the following principles.

The editorial board ensures that reviewers are anonymous.

Reviewers are required to have sufficient qualifications for an expert assessment of the content of a scientific paper. Reviewers should participate in forming the editorial policy of the journal, give an objective assessment (personal criticism of the author is unacceptable). They should submit a review within the time limits specified by the editorial board of the journal. Reviewers should clearly express their opinion giving arguments. Unpublished information obtained from the manuscripts submitted for consideration cannot be used for personal purposes without the written permission of the authors.

If the reviewer identifies incorrect, erroneous provisions or distorted data, he reports this to the editorial board of the journal in the prescribed manner so that the identified violations are eliminated by the author. Reviewers should also indicate the works that influenced the results of the study, but were not given by the author, if any, so they protect the rights of third parties from unauthorized use of materials.

Rules of Publication

  1. The editorial board evaluates the submitted documents in terms of their completeness (in accordance with paragraph 4), screens the text of the paper for unoriginal material using "Antiplagiat" system and reviews the papers in terms of relevance, scientific novelty, quality, compliance with the main scientific and technical fields of the journal.
  2. If the paper is returned for revision by the editorial board recommendation (up to 7 working days), the journal indicates the date of receiving the corrected text.
  3. Authors of papers are not paid a fee; papers are published free of charge.

Requirements to the publications: :https://bstu.editorum.ru/ru/nauka/journal/79/view#about-journal

  1. The papers that do not correspond to the subject matter of the journal and those not meeting its requirements, as well as submitted not in full completeness, will not be accepted. Manuscripts are not returned to their authors. The editorial board is not obliged to review all incoming materials and does not discuss rejected manuscripts with the authors.

All the authors publishing materials in the journal Science-Intensive Technologies in Mechanical Engineering agree to the following terms:

  1. The authors retain copyright and grant the journal the right to the first publication so that allowing other users to share the work with confirmation of the authorship of the work and the initial publication in this journal.
  2. Authors may conclude a standalone agreement for the non-exclusive publicity of the published version of the work (for example, to place it in an institutional repository or as a a book material) with confirmation of its initial publication in this journal.
  3. Authors are allowed and encouraged to post their work online (for example, in institutional repositories or on their website) before and during the submission process, as this can lead to productive sharing, as well as earlier and wider citations of published works.

Requirements to the publications: https://bstu.editorum.ru/ru/nauka/journal/79/view#about-journal

Copyright Transfer Agreement

Inside the journal:


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Cover, 2nd and 4th pages (module size 280×185 mm)

10 000


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8 000


Black and white ad, inside (module size 165×240 mm)

4 000


Black and white ad, inside (module size 165×120 mm)

3 000


Black and white ad, inside (module size 165×60 mm)

2 000


Production of advertising 5,000 rubles/module



Type of advertising space Price (including VAT), rub/number


End-to-end (on all pages) placement of a 180×180 pixel advertising banner in the left column of the site. The banner is dynamic

4 000


End-to-end (on all pages) placement of a 180×180 pixel advertising banner in the left column of the site. The banner is dynamic

3 000


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1 000


Production of advertising 5,000 rubles/module



Journal edition reviews all materials submitted to the editorial office that correspond to the subject matters for their evaluation. All reviewers hold a PhD of Engineering. All reviewers are recognized experts in the field of the reviewed materials and have papers in the same scope published within the last 3 years. The recommendations of the reviewers are the basis for making a decision on the publication of the article. The review in the form of a copy is submitted to the editorial board of the journal within the time limits set by the editorial board. The reviewers may be members of the editorial board of the journal.

When positive (or negative) reviews of the article in question are received by the editorial board, one of the members of the editorial board, who is in supervision of the section in which this article is supposed to be published, the editor-in-chief or deputy editor-in-chief, observes it and decides on the possibility of its publication or rejection.

The reviewers of the journal follow exclusively "double blind" peer review policy, that is the identities of the reviewer and the author are withheld from reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process. To facilitate this, authors need to make sure that their manuscripts are prepared in a way that withhold their identity. For simplicity of this preparation, please make sure of the following when submitting your application: send your information kit accompanied by a Blind manuscript without information about the author and as a separate file.

Information content for a Blind manuscript preparation:

1. Besides clear need of removing names and references under the title in the manuscript, some other steps must be taken to make sure that the manuscript is properly prepared for double-blind review. To help in this process, the following key points are required:
2.  Use a third party to refer to work previously performed by the authors, for example, replace any phrases like “as we showed earlier” with “... it was shown earlier [Anonymous, 2017]".

3. Make sure that the drawings do not contain any identifiers associated with the authoring. Do not exclude significant references to yourself or other references, but limit references only to articles that are relevant to those who review the submitted article.

4. Remove links to funding sources.

5. No acknowledgements

6. Remove any identifying information from the file names, including the names of the authors, make sure that the document properties are also anonymized.


List of retracted articles

Information about articles retracting is given in the journal and available for electronic libraries and other information sources.

Publication fee

There is no publication fee.

Subscription and purchase

Journal circulation is possible by subscription

- on the website of the United Catalog of the Press of Russia www.pressa-rf.ru . Catalog index: 79195;

- on the website of the Online catalog "Subscription Press" www.akc.ru . Catalog index: E79195.


Journal purchasing is possible directly from the journal publisher

Contacts: Mikhail Shalygin, Deputy Editor-in-Chief; phone: +7-4832-56-08-10, +7-903-868-85-68; e-mail: editntm@yandex.ru

Issue frequency is once a month; page count is up to 100 pages.

                        Khandozhko Viktor
Khandozhko Viktor Bryansk State Technical University (kafedra "Avtomatizirovannye tehnicheskie sistemy", zaveduyuschiy)
candidate of technical sciences

                        Abdullaev Gurban
Abdullaev Gurban Sumgait State University (Department of Mechanics and Technology of Trans-portation, Associate Professor)
candidate of technical sciences


                        Abdul'manova Rushana Rinatovna
Abdul'manova Rushana Rinatovna Ufa State Oil Technical University

                        Abzaev Rinat
Abzaev Rinat Perm National Research Polytechnic University (kafedra «Innovacionnye tehnologii mashinostroeniya», Assistant)

                        Abramenko Yuri
Abramenko Yuri FSUE «RFNC-All-Russian Research Institute of applied physics named after Academician E.I. Zababakhin»

                        Abramov Roman
Abramov Roman Bryansk State Technical University

                        Averchenkov Andrey
Averchenkov Andrey Institute for Design-Technological Informatics RAS
doctor of technical sciences


                        Averchenkov Vladimir
Averchenkov Vladimir Bryansk State Technical University (kafedra «Komp'yuternye tehnologii i sistemy», Professor)
doctor of technical sciences


                        Agapov Sergey
Agapov Sergey Volgograd State Technical University (kafedra "Tehnologiya mashinostroeniya", Prof.)
doctor of technical sciences

                        Akopyan Torgom
Akopyan Torgom Moscow Polytechnic University

                        Albagachiev Ali
Albagachiev Ali Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Head of the department)
doctor of technical sciences


                        Albagachiev Ali
Albagachiev Ali Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Trenie, iznos i smazka. Tribologiya, Zaveduyuschiy otdelom)

                        Aleksandrov V.
Aleksandrov V. The Moscow State Technical University - MADI (professor)
doctor of technical sciences

                        Alexandrov Victor
Alexandrov Victor The Moscow State Technical University - MADI (Prof.)
doctor of technical sciences


                        Alexandrov Vladimir
Alexandrov Vladimir The Moscow State Technical University - MADI (kafedra "Tehnologii konstrukcionnyh materialov", ass. prof.)
candidate of technical sciences

                        Alexandrova Svetlana
Alexandrova Svetlana Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (docent)
candidate of technical sciences


Suslov Anatoliy  — Chief Editor
Bryansk State Technical University (Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology, Laureate of the Government Prize)
doctor of technical sciences
Academic rank Laureat premii Pravitel'stva Honored Master of Sciences and Engineering, RF Government Award Holder
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Prikhodko Vyachyeslav  — Chairman of the Editorial Board
The Moscow State Technical University - MADI (prof.)
doctor of technical sciences

corresponding member Russian Academy of Sciences ,
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
SPIN: 9548-8428
Grigoryants Aleksandr  — Deputy of Chairman of the Editorial Board
Bauman Moscow State Technical University (department “Laser Technology”, Head of the department)
doctor of technical sciences

Moskva, Russian Federation
SPIN: 9922-3771
Bazrov Boris  — Editorial Board member
Institute of Mashine Science named after Blagonravov RAS (Chief researcher)
doctor of technical sciences

Moskva, Russian Federation
SPIN: 3695-3125 ORCID:0000-0003-3297-9818
Demin Virtor  — Editorial Board member
Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Department of Pressure Treatment Technology, Professor, Professor)
doctor of technical sciences

Moskva, Russian Federation
SPIN: 9847-7485 ORCID:0000-0002-6082-9561
Lysak Vladimir  — Editorial Board member
Volgograd State Technical University (Department of Welding Equipment and Technology, Head of the department)
doctor of technical sciences

academician Russian Academy of Sciences ,
Volgograd, Russian Federation
SPIN: 2378-3391 ORCID:0000-0003-3066-058X
Makarov Vladimir  — Editorial Board member
Perm National Research Polytechnic University (Department of Innovative Engineering Technologies, Professor, Holder of the chair ad interim)
doctor of technical sciences

Perm, Perm, Russian Federation
SPIN: 4262-3182 ORCID:0000-0002-0383-0208
Mikhailov Alexander  — Editorial Board member
Donetsk National Technical University (Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology, Head of the department)
doctor of technical sciences

Donetsk, Russian Federation
SPIN: 5180-8936
Kheyfetz Mikhail  — Editorial Board member
State Scientific Institution "Institute of Applied Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus" (Director of the Institute)
doctor of technical sciences

Minsk, Belarus
SPIN: 6090-1490 ORCID:0000-0002-6942-3605
Chigirinsky Julius  — Editorial Board member
Volgograd State Technical University (Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology, Head of the department)
doctor of technical sciences

Volgograd, Russian Federation
SPIN: 4817-4424 ORCID:0000-0001-5620-5337
Larin Sergey  — Editorial board member
Tula State University (Department of Plastic Foming Mechanics, Head of the department)
doctor of technical sciences

Tula, Russian Federation
SPIN: 9952-8249 ORCID:0000-0002-9063-1548
Ovchinnikov Viktor  — Editorial board member
Russian Aircraft Corporate Enterprise MiG (Welding processes laboratory, Head of the Laboratory)
doctor of technical sciences

Moscow, Russian Federation
SPIN: 3367-9330 ORCID:0000-0003-2948-2202
Malikov Andrey  — Editorial board member
Tula State University (Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology, Pro-Rector of Financial Activities, Head of the Department)
doctor of technical sciences

Tula, Tula, Russian Federation
SPIN: 9992-6480 ORCID:0000-0002-6757-5584
Shalygin Mikhail  — Deputy Editor-in-chief
Bryansk State Technical University (Department of Turbine Engineering and Pipeline Transport Systems, Professor, Head of the Department)
doctor of technical sciences

Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
SPIN: 4412-1448 ORCID:0000-0002-8102-9918
Buyanovskiy Ilya  — Editorial Board member
Institute of Mashine Science named after Blagonravov, RAS (Head of the Laboratory)
doctor of technical sciences

Moskva, Russian Federation
SPIN: 1051-7401 ORCID:0000-0003-0691-5095
Waldenmaier Thomas  — Editorial Board member
Robert Bosch GmbH (Senior Expert, Head of the research group)
doctor of technical sciences

Stuttgart, Germany
Huseynov Hasan  — Editorial Board member
Azerbaijan Technical University (Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology, professor)
doctor of technical sciences

Baku, Azerbaijan
SPIN: 9601-0077 ORCID:0000-0002-2030-0428
Kawalek Anna  — Editorial Board member
Czestochowa University of Technology (professor)
doctor of technical sciences

Czestochowa, Poland
Krehel Radoslav  — Editorial Board member
Kapusana Bioenergy Research Center (Researcher)
doctor of technical sciences

Kapusany, Slovakia
Kuksenova Lidiya  — Editorial Board member
Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Chief researcher)
doctor of technical sciences

Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Myshkin Nikolai  — Editorial Board member
Institute of Mechanics of Metal Polymer Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (Department of Friction and Lubrication, Head of the Department)
doctor of technical sciences
Academic rank Academician of NAS Belarus
Gomel, Belarus
SPIN: 1904-1030
Petrova Larisa  — Editorial Board member
Moscow Automobile and Road Engineering State Technical University (MADI) (Department of Construction Materials Engineering, Head of the Department)
doctor of technical sciences

Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
SPIN: 5452-2754 ORCID:0000-0002-7248-2454
Fedonin Oleg  — Editorial Board member
Bryansk State Technical University (Rector, Professor)
doctor of technical sciences

Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
SPIN: 6889-5411 ORCID:0000-0002-3511-699X
Shohiyon Almossho  — Editorial Board member
Institute of Technologies and Innovation Management in Kulyab (Rector)
doctor of technical sciences

Kulob, Tajikistan
Smolentsev Vladislav  — Editorial Board member
Voronezh State Technical University (Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology, Professor)

SPIN: 8542-4357 ORCID:0009-0000-0327-0354
Lukashova Elena  — Editor
Bryansk State Technical University (Department of Turbine Engineering and Pipeline Transport Systems)
candidate of technical sciences

Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
SPIN: 1824-9222 ORCID:0000-0002-2236-728X
Klenicheva Anastasia Yur'evna  — Editor
Bryanskiy gosudarstvennyy tehnicheskiy universitet (Department of Turbine Engineering and Pipeline Transport Systems)

Russian Federation
Lukashov Nikolay  — Editor
Bryansk State Technical University (Department of High–Tech Transport Engineering, Assistant)
graduate student

Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
SPIN: 4885-9343


Code 2.5.3
Name Трение и износ в машинах
Code 2.5.5
Name Технология и оборудование механической и физико-технической обработки
Code 2.5.6
Name Технология машиностроения
Code 2.5.7
Name Технологии и машины обработки давлением
Code 2.5.8
Name Сварка, родственные процессы и технологии
Code 2.6.17
Name Материаловедение


Code 55.01
Name Общие вопросы машиностроения
Code 55.13
Name Технология машиностроения
Code 55.35
Name Металлургическое машиностроение

Anatoly G. SUSLOV, Editor-in-chief of the scientific, technical and industrial magazine "Science-intensive Technologies in Mechanical Engineering".

Suslov Anatoly Grigorievich - Doctor of Technical Science (1982), Professor (1984), Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation (1992), Professor of the Academic Institute of Technology of Bryansk State Technical University, Honorary Chairman of the Presidium of the Machine-Building Technologists Association, Honorary Doctor of Donetsk National Technical University, Honorary Professor of Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University and Bryansk State Technical University, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Honored Scientist of the Bryansk region.

Anatoly Grigoryevich Suslov was born in 1941 in the Kaluga region. He worked as a turner at the Bryansk Automobile Plant. After graduating from the evening department of the Bezhitsky Engineering College in 1961, he worked as a tool shop foreman. From 1961 to 1964 he served in the Soviet Army. After graduating from the Institute in 1969, he worked as a technologist at the Bryansk Automobile Plant. In 1970, he entered a PhD programme and in 1973 he passed his Ph.D. defense, in 1982 -he defended his doctoral thesis and was confirmed in a rank of the professor in 1984. From 1973 to 1982 he worked at the Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology as an assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor. In 1976, he completed a one-year scientific internship in Germany (GFR). From 1982 to 1986, he headed the Department of Metal Technology and Metallurgy, and from 1986 to 2006 he was a department chair of Metal Cutting Machines and Tools Department, which in 1997 was renamed the Department of Automated Technological Systems. From 2006 to 2008 he worked as a Director of the Educational and Scientific Technological Institute of the Bryansk State Technical University. Since 2008 he has been the Professor at the Moscow State Industrial University, since 2014 he has been working as a Professor at the National Research Nuclear University (MEPhI). In 1995 For the first time in the Bryansk region, a doctoral dissertation council was created at BSTU under his chairmanship with a degree in three specialties, and since 2001, a doctoral dissertation council has been working under his chairmanship with a degree in 4 specialties: mechanical engineering technology; technologies and equipment for mechanical and physicotechnical processing; friction and wear in tires; standardization and quality management. Since 1991,he has been standing unexceptionally for election as a chairman of the Presidium of the Bryansk Scientific Coordination Center by the scientists of the Bryansk region . Since that time A.G. Suslov has been a member of the Expert council of the Higher Attestation Commission and the head council of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for mechanical Engineering, a chairman of the representative office of the International Union of Machine Builders in Russia, a head of the Bryansk Scientific School of Technologists and he has been in charge of the scientific direction "Technological support of surface quality and operational properties of machine parts and their units." In 2018, at the Congress of Technologists of Russia, A.G. Suslov was elected as an Honorary Chairman of the Presidium of the Machine-Building Technologists Association. A.G. Suslov is the creator of the doctrine of machine parts surface engineering, the author of 25 monographs, including "The surface layer condition of machine parts", "Scientific foundations of mechanical engineering technology", "Science- intensive technologies in mechanical engineering", the textbook "Technology of mechanical engineering", the two-volume handbook "Quality of machines", volumes of the encyclopedia "Mechanical Engineering", a two-volume handbook of a machine-building technologist, more than 400 scientific publications and author's certificates. He solved the scientific problem of the choice, purpose, technological support and metrological assurance of the quality parameters of the machine parts working surfaces, regarding to different planned functions. He has trained 12 Doctors of Science and more than 30 Candidates of Science.


Suslov A.G. is awarded the Order of Friendship, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland of the IV degree, the State Standard badge, the Yuri Gagarin medal and numerous diplomas of the city and regional significance.



The mission of the journal is to provide an open platform for the information exchange and publicity for various original research evidence obtained by the authors of publications as results of conducted tests or experiments in the field of mechanical engineering, metalworking, materials science and metallurgy.

The tasks of the journal: to publish to all concerned scientific community the results of scientific research, to view the effectiveness of new research methods; to discuss modern theory trends; to inform readers about the results of Russian and international scientific conferences and forums; to raise the professional level of researchers, machine-building specialists, technical universities educators; to improve the quality of the journal's content in accordance with the requirements of international standards and global citation indexes; to increase the accessibility of the journal for authors and readers; to arrange stable ways of journal circulation.

The policy of the editorial board of the journal is aimed at no breach of laws by all the members, including founders, publishers, authors, editors, reviewers, members of the editorial Board and the editorial staff of the customized edition, i.e. complying with the laws of the Russian Federation on copyright, adherence to the Declaration of Ethics for the publications of the Editorial Board, based on the Sarajevo Declaration on the Integrity and Visibility of Scientific Publications (2017) and the Declaration "Ethical Principles of Scientific Publications" adopted by AIRP (Alliance of Independent Regional Publishers, 2017)

The editorial board of the journal does not do with manuscripts submitted for publication in other editions. In the event of the discovery of this fact, the editorial board of the journal will have to retract (withdraw) such a publication. Information about the retraction of articles is posted on the publication's website, also it can be found in the issues of the journal and the State Comission for Academic Degrees and Titles of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and the Council on Ethics of Scientific Publications of AIRP.

The Editorial Bboard carries out academic peer review (double-blind) of all materials submitted to the editorial board for providing evaluation. All the reviewers are acknowledged experts on the subject of peer-reviewed materials; both members of the Editorial Board of the journal and outside experts are mission-driven. The reviews are kept in the publishing house and editorial office for 5 years. The materials are viewed in the order of their arrival at the editorial Board of the journal and published after their approval; the change in the order of review or publication of articles is not provided for. The decision for publication is based on the originality, reliability, scientific significance and relevance of the work in question. The Editorial Council and the Editorial Board of the publication are fully responsible for the decisions made.

The Editorial Board of the journal does not provide any services, including agency services for paid. Articles are accepted only from article writers. No charge is applied for the contributors related to the preparation, inserting and printing of materials. There are no accelerated deadlines for the publication of articles. The journal does not come into line with intermediaries.

The journal is included in the publications listing of the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles approved for academic degree candidates in the following scientific specialties: 2.5.3 - Friction and wear in machines; 2.5.5 - Processing technique and equipment of mechanical and physico-engineering treatment; 2.5.6 - Mechanical engineering technology; 2.5.7 - Processing technique and pressing machines; 2.5.8 - Welding, allied processes and related technologies; 2.6.17 - Materials science (branch-wise) (technical sciences).

Main sections:

Materials science in mechanical engineering

Technology and equipment of metal processing by pressure

Welding, related processes and technologies

Additive technologies and laser processing

Technologies of mechanical processing of workpieces

Technologies of electromachining and combined processing

Science intensive technologies of nonmetallic parts production

Technological processes automated control

Science intensive technologies in machine assembly

Surface layer quality, contact interaction, friction and wear of machine parts

Technological support of operational properties of machine parts and their connections

Science intensive technologies in coating, parts repair and recovery


Bryansk State Technical University received a valid DOI prefix in February 2018 and appears in the registration agency Crossref as an independent publisher (Bryansk State Technical University).

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