In the modern educational context, extracurricular activities are an important direction, influencing the formation of students' value attitude to national culture. In the journal "Teaching History at School" it can be seen that various forms of extracurricular activities for schoolchildren in the field of history and social studies have become widespread. These forms include excursions, clubs, working in a museum, holding school evenings, organizing school clubs and decorating classrooms. The purpose of this study is to identify the main factors of the influence of extracurricular activities on the formation of the value attitude of primary school students to Russian culture. To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set: to analyze theoretical approaches to the concept of "extracurricular work" and "value attitude"; to identify the main types of extracurricular work that contribute to the formation of students' value attitude to national culture; to determine effective methods and forms of extracurricular activities to achieve this goal. The practical application of the research results will optimize extracurricular activities in educational institutions, as well as develop recommendations for teachers on organizing events that contribute to the formation of a positive value attitude of students to national culture. This can be useful for enhancing patriotic education, developing cultural identity and active participation of students in society.
extracurricular activities, value attitude, students, primary schools, national culture, formation of value attitudes, pedagogical methods, education of patriotism, events in education
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