Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The relevance of digitalization in the management of an organization is obvious today. Improving many processes based on the use of digital technologies has proven its effectiveness. However, the use of innovative methods in personnel management remains a poorly developed area. The purpose of this study is to study the possibilities of using digital technologies in personnel management. The article presents a description of issues related to the organization and use of digital technologies. Namely, the functions of employees associated with the use of automated programs are studied, regulatory documents governing the activities of personnel are considered. The study, conducted on the basis of an analysis of personnel management activities, made it possible to develop specific recommendations for the implementation of digital technologies in the personnel management process. When writing the article, the results of leading companies were analyzed, and previous developments of the authors were also used. The methodological basis of the study was a systematic approach, comparison and classification, and the timekeeping method was used when studying the costs of working time. The result of the work was the development of a chat bot for employees, a memo on the use of the SNPO “Portal Knowledge Base”, recommendations for conducting a master class when implementing KEDO and recommendations for using AI for individual HR functions. The authors also studied the time costs of employees before and after the implementation of the chat bot and AI. The economic and social effect after the implementation of developments based on digital technologies is presented.
digitalization, AGILE, Scrum, Kanban, project management, innovative methods of personnel management
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