Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The article considers the features of professional training of managers based on competencies. At the present stage of the development of organizations competence approach to training is used most actively applied. The relevance of using the approach is explained by the fact that knowledge and skills are now not as important as the internal characteristics of a person required for effective performance of work duties. The article presents various approaches to the definition of the concept of «competence», describes the features of professional training of managers and the relationship between training and the competence approach. In addition, one of the variants of the competence model for managers was developed and a competency training program was described step by step. In modern conditions, a manager is required to be goal-oriented, to be able to effectively allocate working time to adjust to the variability of the external environment, as well as to be able to build and lead a team of like-minded people. This, in turn, leads to higher requirements for senior positions, which should be viewed as the correspondence of a manager’s specialized training to the level of development of managerial competencies and the quality of work performance. At the present stage, the competence approach is the basis for professional training and promotion of managers, as it proceeds from the strategic goals of the organization, assumes flexibility in relation to external conditions and the presence of constant feedback on the effectiveness of management activities.
competence, competence approach, professional training of managers, competence model, manager’s competences
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