The article is devoted to the problem of the formation of value and semantic orientations in adolescents in extracurricular activities, which is relevant in modern conditions. The author of the article notes that the study of the value-semantic component of the personal structure of adolescents is of the greatest interest, since the parent, class teacher, and peer participate in its formation. The article focuses on the role of the class teacher, since he acts as a significant adult for adolescents. Provided that the class teacher can be an active bearer of personal meanings in the context of cultural development and be an example, a certain spiritual and moral guideline for his group. In order to make sure whether the class teacher is an authority for the group, sociometry was carried out. The author focuses on the fact that it is necessary to choose the type of activity in which the formation of value and semantic orientations will be organically built. Teenagers were asked to evaluate their value orientations. The results of the survey with class teachers made it possible to identify existing problems in the formation of the value-semantic sphere of adolescents and to identify the main directions of activity of curators for taking into account and subsequent adjustments in their current practical teaching and educational activities.
value, value orientation, value-semantic orientations adolescence classroom teacher
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