UDK 621.38 Электроника. Фотоэлектроника. Электронные лампы, трубки. Рентгенотехника. Ускорители частиц
Field-effect transistors are subject to various effects when exposed to ionizing radiation. These effects are associated with both ionization of semiconductor layers – channel and substrate regions, drain and source pockets, and dielectric ones. Obtaining a sufficient set of data on sensitivity to these effects is an extensive task in terms of time and labor costs due to the performance of installations reproducing the spectral characteristics of various types of radiation expo-sure, which makes it urgent to optimize test procedures, including using various (including simulating) installations. This paper provides an overview of the features of the prep-aration and conduct of tests for resistance to single radiation effects using a high-performance laser installation, as well as a comparative analysis of experimental procedures and re-sults with those obtained using a TKP accelerator. It is shown that the results of determining the resistance of field-effect transistors to the manifestation of the SEB effect, ob-tained using a high-frequency accelerator and a focused LIE installation, have sufficient convergence in terms of satura-tion cross-section values. Based on the results of the field-effect transistor tests and the analysis carried out, it is con-cluded that the use of laser test facilities has a number of significant advantages that allow optimizing test procedures
Field effect resistance, radiation exposure, test methods, SEB effect, transistor responses
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