Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The relevance of the presented study is determined by the fact that as the post-industrial society develops, more and more attention is paid to the knowledge economy, the basic components of which are the generation and training of new knowledge. At the same time, the accumulation of this knowledge by organizations in the competitive struggle is of fundamental importance. Currently, there are quite a lot of approaches to considering training in the individual-group-organization links both as processes and as modeled structures, including in the interests of the strategic development of the organization. At the same time, an obvious drawback of the known approaches is the hypothesis of a monotonous increase in the volume of knowledge in the organization without taking into account the socio-economic problems arising in the process of acquiring and using new knowledge. The purpose of the presented studies is to identify the problems of implementing approaches to training in the individual-group-organization links in the interests of increasing the volume of knowledge, conditioned by the socio-economic aspects of acquiring and using new knowledge in a competitive environment, from the standpoint of strategic development. The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in the identification of the key problem of the transition from tacit knowledge to explicit knowledge, caused by agency conflicts associated with the rights to this type of intangible asset between an individual generating new knowledge and an organization seeking to convey this knowledge through training to its employees. The practical significance of the research results lies in the possibility of their use in the implementation of approaches to training in the individual-group-organization links both within the framework of the concept of management based on the use of human capital in the 2030s and within the framework of the concept of management based on the use of the intellectual capital of an organization in the 2040s.

socio-economic problems, implementation of approaches to learning at the individual-group-organization level, increasing the volume of knowledge
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