Russian Federation
Russian Federation
UDK 331.108 Работа с кадрами. Обеспечение кадрами. Внутренний распорядок. Трудовая дисциплина
The article analyzes the problem of the lack of qualified personnel in the labor market and its impact on the personnel adaptation system. As part of the study, an analysis of the current situation in the labor market, an analysis of the practices of companies in the field of recruitment and selection of personnel, the views of modern business leaders were carried out, and the need for changes in the system of personnel adaptation of Russian organizations was substantiated. The situation of labor shortage that has developed over the past few years has led to changes in the main strategies in the personnel management system, primarily related to the easing of requirements for qualifications, soft skills, age, gender and other characteristics of personnel. This, in turn, required changes in the adaptation system, revision of strategy and the introduction of more complex and modern technologies. From the authors’ point of view, the emphasis from socio-psychological adaptation should be shifted to professional and organizational adaptation, technologies should be refocused on individualizing adaptation programs based on the introduction of digital systems, the use of interactive teaching methods, intensifying the use of the capabilities of self-learning organizations, expanding the scope of adaptation through training of freelancers, free labor on the labor market. Thus, the main results of the situation analysis indicate the need for an integrated approach to adaptation, including changing strategy, using modern technologies and creating conditions for professional growth, taking into account the individual characteristics of personnel.
lack of qualified personnel, adaptation system, training, modern technologies, personnel motivation
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