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Abstract (English):
Evaluation of the activities of higher education teachers is an important component of the education system in many countries, including the US and the UK. While maintaining differences in system-wide approaches, teacher assessment in the US and the UK has similar goals based on ensuring the quality of teaching and stimulating professional growth. We found that in countries such as the US and the UK, different assessment approaches are used, such as student assessment of teachers, class analysis, their scientific contribution, administrative work assessment, but more detailed analysis of teachers’ performance is often practiced. In the USA, for example, teachers are given separate goals and objectives, expected results from them, and even contracts are signed. Teachers are also evaluated using special algorithms that take into account both quantitative and qualitative parameters. In the UK, in addition to the above methods, you can add an assessment of services and services, an assessment of his international experience. The findings allow us to talk about a multifaceted, complex, not always objective assessment of the activities of university teachers in the countries under consideration, which still requires modernization for more efficient use.

evaluation of teachers’ activities, assessment of teachers, higher education, teaching at foreign universities
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