Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents an analysis of the approaches of domestic and foreign authors to the problems of leadership in the organization and their relation to the request for the leadership of an HR specialist. Leadership is considered as a mandatory element of management that determines both the management style in  the company as  a  whole and the specifics of  the work of  an HR  specialist in  particular. The study reveals the specificity of  the influence of  an HR specialist on the corporate culture and staff loyalty in connection with the request for a leadership from the management. It has been established that the most popular leadership style of an HR specialist is an advisory style, in which goals and methods to achieve them are discussed, but the final decision on both goals and methods is made by the head. The authors analyzed the relationship between the leadership of an HR specialist and the relevance of the tools used in the activities of HR services. Based on the results obtained, recommendations were formed to identify the need for HR leadership and to build efficient interaction between managers and HR specialists.

leadership, management style, HR function, corporate culture, staff loyalty
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