Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Based on the conducted research, the article examines the problem of preparing future primary school teachers for health-oriented activities. The main research methods were system-analytical, comparative, questioning, and mathematical processing of empirical data. Data on the health status of younger schoolchildren and students is disclosed. The content of the concept of “health-oriented activity” is clarified and specified and its semantic characteristics are highlighted. The value of health and the role of a healthy lifestyle in the development of the younger generation are substantiated. The authors analyzed legislative and regulatory documents in the field of education from the perspective of the problem of developing a healthy lifestyle among the younger generation and youth. Contradictions have been identified between the professional requirements for a primary school teacher and the absence of this competency in the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education. The need for targeted and systematic training of future primary school teachers for health-oriented activities with students is substantiated. The results of the ascertaining experiment conducted on the basis of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Education of the Moscow City Pedagogical University and the Pedagogical Institute of Derzhavin Tambov State University, to identify the value of health and students’ readiness for health-oriented activities with younger schoolchildren. Conclusions are drawn about the formal approach and the insufficient focus of the professional training of future teachers on this type of activity with different age categories of students.

professional training of students, health-oriented activities, formation of an idea of the value of health, mastering knowledge, skills and technologies; teaching primary schoolchildren the rules of a healthy and safe lifestyle, development of approaches to mastering relevant competencies by future teachers

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