from 01.01.1989 to 01.01.2023
Tula, Russian Federation
UDK 37 Образование. Воспитание. Обучение. Организация досуга
The article reveals the educational potential of folk toys and substantiates the possibility of using the modeling of Filimonov and Belarusian folk clay toys as a unique means of correction for speech disorders in children. The commonality of East Slavic origin, related and typical characteristics for toys of the two peoples are shown. The influence of the development of fine motor skills on the speech development of a preschool child is considered. Data from examination and monitoring of fine motor skills of the hands of older preschool children with speech impairments are presented. The conditions are determined and the characteristics of the content and technology of the stages of development of fine motor skills of children’s hands in the process of sculpting a folk toy are given.
modeling; Filimonov toy; Belarusian folk clay toy; fine motor skills; preschoolers; speech disorders
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