Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article gives the concept of  sustainable gastronomic tourism as  an indicator of  the quality of  life of  society and individuals, analyzes the factors of social management in the development of gastronomic tourism in the form of a generalization through the aspect of social management. The criteria for personnel readiness of  service and hospitality enterprises are determined and its interdisciplinarity is  demonstrated as  a qualitative indicator of the level of service. Successful projects of personnel readiness are demonstrated, which are an important factor in the development of gastronomic tourism development management. The principle of creating tourist flows is singled out and their categorization is determined. The subject of sociology of management  is  analyzed — the study of  the motivation of  tourists, their satisfaction, the expansion of  emotional experience, the impact of moti-vation on the views and values of tourists. The role of sociological research in managing the development of gastronomic tourism, taking into account the  goals of  sustainable development and ESG indicators, including through human resource management as  a new form of  labor organization, is shown.

factors of social management in the development of gastronomic tourism, tourists motivation, sustainable development of the tourism business, integration of gastronomic tourism and ESG indicators, human resource management, sociological research
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