One of the key guidelines for the development of modern pedagogical education is the actual-ization of the problem of pre-professional pedagogical training. The article offers a description of the targets of the psychological and pedagogical Olympiad and its functions, which make it possible to expand the possibilities for creating a system of accompanying professional self-determination of graduates of general education organizations. The authors consider the history of the formation of the pedagogical Olympiad in the Yaroslavl region, describe the modern ex-perience of conducting the Olympiad at the All-Russian level.
pre-professional pedagogical training, the Russian Psychological and Pedagogical Olympiad named after K.D. Ushinsky, the functions of the pedagogical Olympiad
1. Artem'eva L.N. Psihologo-pedagogicheskaya olimpiada kak sredstvo dopro-fessional'noy podgotovki shkol'nikov / L.N. Artem'eva, Yu.V. Yakovleva // Pedagogika i psihologiya sovremennogo obrazovaniya teoriya i praktika: Materialy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferencii. - Yaroslavl': RIO YaGPU, 2022. - S. 137-145. EDN:
2. Doprofessional'naya pedagogicheskaya podgotovka shkol'nikov: opyt i tra-dicii: kollektivnaya monografiya / pod red. L.V. Bayborodovoy, A.M. Hodyreva, A.P. Chernyavskoy. - Yaroslavl', RIO YaGPU, 2021. - 339 s. - ISBN 978-5-00089-512-2.
3. Kafedra pedagogicheskih tehnologiy: istoriya i sovremennost': kollektiv-naya monografiya / pod. nauch. red. L.V. Bayborodovoy. - Yaroslavl': RIO YaGPU, 2021. - 319 s. - ISBN 978-5-00089-506-1.
4. Novostnoy portal RBK [sayt]. - URL: (data obrascheniya: 28.03.2023).
5. Oficial'nyy sayt YaGPU im. K.D. Ushinskogo [sayt]. - URL: (data obrascheniya: 25.03.2023).