Khanty-Mansiysk (Yugorskaya) regional public organisation of the Free Economic Society of Russia (Deputy head)
Surgut, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The article presents the results of the author’s research on the risks of staff burnout in a remote and hybrid office. The object of the study is professional burnout in the conditions of remote work and hybrid office. The subject of the study is recommendations for the prevention of professional burnout in conditions of remote work and a hybrid office. The goal is to carry out the operationalization of professional burnout in the conditions of remote work and a hybrid office for the subsequent development of a software application for the prevention of professional burnout. The authors present a theoretical analysis of the problem under study based on the results of modern research. The risks of remote work are identified. The main markers of professional burnout are presented. Several groups of factors are considered, which determine the likelihood of an employee developing a syndrome of professional burnout: socio-demographic, personal, organizational and socio-psychological. To obtain information that a subordinate is prone to burnout, the authors suggest using special techniques. The author’s operationalization of professional burnout is presented. In the author’s operationalization, the authors tried to consider the structural components of professional burnout based on the symptoms, stage of development, and factors on which the likelihood of burnout development depends.
remote work, hybrid office, professional burnout, operationalization of professional burnout, professional burnout in a hybrid office and remote work, staff well-being
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