Kemerovo, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Kemerovo, Russian Federation
In the article, the authors consider the vectors of professional training of bachelors of socio-cultural activities, focused on solving the problems of consolidating the state and civil society. Socio-cultural design is the most effective technology to solve this problem. It is noted that the curricula of universities that train bachelors of social and cultural activities include disciplines whose main educational goal is to attract student youth to socially significant activities aimed at improving living conditions, developing social activity of various population groups, as well as mastering and the preservation of national cultural values and traditions. In the process of formation of knowledge about the history and culture of Russia and the native land among bachelors of socio-cultural activities, as well as practical participation in the development and implementation of relevant socio-cultural projects, the territory is branded. The brand of the region is defined as a territorial identity, systematically expressed in bright and attractive ideas, symbols, values, images, well-known brands of the territories of Kuzbass are also presented, which influence the quality of life and regional identity of the population of the region.
socio-cultural design, socio-cultural activities, territory branding, bachelor training, higher education institution
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