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Abstract (English):
One of the most important areas of work of a school teacher is the professional orientation of high school students. Preparation for the profession of a teacher should begin in the school years. In this regard, the continuity of the school and the university is of great importance. The aim of the work is to clarify the features of the interaction between the school and the university in the preparation of high school students for the teaching profession. The school is called upon to prepare the gradual transition of its graduates to a higher education institution, in which the student, already in the first year, would become a true subject of the educational process, his professional and pedagogical self-education. Continuity between different levels of education is a process. Its essence lies in the sequence of conditions aimed at resolving the contradictions of the transition of the individual from one learning circumstance to another, from the social role of a schoolchild to the role of a student. This transition should be comprehended, prepared and provided on the basis of the formation of the professional orientation of a high school student, an applicant, a student of the corresponding faculty (department) of the university. It is of fundamental importance that the conditions for succession be implemented in curricula, programs, principles and methods of educational work, as well as in the methodology for selecting future students in specialized pedagogical classes (if they are available at the school). The problem of choosing a teaching profession and reasonable professional selection cannot be solved without new approaches, principles and forms of teacher training. And above all - without combining the efforts of the school and the university. The principal model of teacher training should include three stages: pre-university, university, postgraduate. The pre-university stage is a new element in this system and the most important and defining one. Its main tasks are: the formation of a conscious professional choice; preparation and implementation of a smooth (progressive) transition from schoolchild to student; creation of conditions for gifted children and effective communication "student-teacher of the university"; creation of a single educational space and a creative team of teachers and lecturers of the university.

continuity of school and university, teacher training, pedagogical specialty, educational process at school, system of teacher education.
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