Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the problem of assessing the educational results of future teachers. The technology for assessing the level of achievement of educational results based on a case assignment is revealed. As a methodological basis for constructing an assessment tool, the provisions of the systemic, activity-based, competency-based and criterion-based approaches are used, which make it possible to determine the observable and measurable actions of students that are part of the future professional activity of the teacher. The main stages of the technology for assessing educational results in the field of methodological training of future teachers are considered using the example of a case assignment. The content and organizational and methodological foundations of the identified stages are revealed. The results of testing case tasks to assess educational results and the level of their achievement in the field of methodological training of future teachers are presented.

assessment, educational results, case assignment, indicator of achievement of educational results, assessment technology

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