Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the role of the family in the upbringing and education of children with linguistic abilities, examines one of the main factors influencing the realization of the child's capabilities - the attitude of parents to the abilities of preschool children. The definition of the term "parental competence" is given. In the course of a study conducted by the Department of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology of the Perm State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University, based on the results of a survey of parents of preschoolers, their positions are analyzed regarding the level of development of their child's personality, the choice of the optimal time for him to start learning a foreign language, taking into account individual natural inclinations and linguistic abilities child.

preschool children; linguistic abilities; parents; family; parental competence; conditions for the development of the child's personality; choice of the initial stage of learning a foreign language

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