Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The labor market in our time is experiencing revolutionary changes. The era of a relatively stable labor market is over. There is no balance of vacancies between the needs of the modern economy and specialists trained by the education system. New technologies lead to the emergence of new professions, new vacancies. And hence the main and paradoxical trend of the modern labor market of new technologies - a lot of “non-specialists” (that is, people who have not received a special education) who create new types of labor activity, and then new professions appear, and as a result, new vacancies, and, again, new "non-specialists" creating new specialties. From the point of view of the structure of modern education, it is ready to solve these problems. But, unfortunately, these education functions are not yet activated. And the labor market needs them more and more. Those. education should teach students to self-seek.

specialist, labor market, industrial revolution

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