Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The need for effective management of young talents is due to the modern conditions of globalization of the economy, the impetus for the development of which is the intellectualization of business processes, the use of advanced technologies, and the disclosure of the multipotential of employees of organizations. Talented employees are an important asset for solving business problems of companies, as well as a resource, the development of which must be planned. The aim of the study is to analyze modern practical approaches to managing young promising employees. The importance and significance of the development of soft skills (soft skills), such as critical thinking, analysis, problem solving and communication, was noted. The article discusses the concept of talent management: planning, selection, introduction to work, performance management, training and development, compensation, analysis of critical skills. Attention is focused on the connection between training and the implementation of assigned tasks, development of potential and strengths of each employee.

talent management, young specialist, potential, development, key skills, abilities, performance

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