The main problem of social and labor relations in the context of COVID-2019 is the rise in unemployment. The article shows that an orientation towards the future forces us to pay attention not only to the preservation of the quantitative characteristics of human resources, but also to the efficiency of management of the most important factor of production for any enterprise “labor”. According to the Federal State Statistics Service, the dynamics of growth in labor productivity and growth in wages in the Russian economy have been built. The analysis showed that the COVID-2019 pandemic, having influenced the economies of all countries, did not fundamentally change the efficiency of human resource management, but created the conditions for its qualitative transformation. To ensure the long-term competitiveness of socio-economic systems in a changing environment, HR specialists are faced with the task of adequately assessing the ongoing changes and the appropriate transformation of human resource management systems.
human resources, management efficiency, COVID-2019 pandemic, unemployment, patterns of development
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