Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In a green business the environmental competence of employees becomes a key factor in the successful implementation of environmental strategies and performance. However, there is no approach to the understanding and development of environmental competence in the context of the organization and its effect on employee’s behavior to achieve the company's environmental goals. Based on a survey of employees of an industrial enterprise and structural equations modeling (SEM) the article empirically proved that environmental competence, as a combination of knowledge, skills and value characteristics of an employee is formed as a result of a set of environmental oriented HRM practices. Also, the results of the study showed that environmental competence has a direct positive impact on the behavior of employees in solving environmental problems in the workplace and contributes to increased participation in additional environmental activities, initiative and commitment to improving environmental performance. The results of the study contribute to the development of green HRM methodology by expanding the empirical base of research on the mechanisms for the development of environmental competence of employees.

environmental competence of an employee, required environmental behavior, voluntary environmental behavior, green human resources management

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