The ongoing processes in society related to globalization, improvement of information and communication flows contribute to the expansion of contacts between people, developing a corporate culture, social and communicative competence of staff. Communicative competence is a qualitative characteristic of the individual, responsible for realizing the need for social recognition, self-actualization, and therefore contributing to the development of successful socialization. The concept can include a set of knowledge and skills that ensure the effective functioning of the communication process. This concept is a component of a competent approach in working with the organization's personnel. Today, it is impossible to imagine a specialist without communicative knowledge, skills and skills. The communicative competence of personnel gets an important role in modern conditions of development of economy where major factors is knowledge, abilities, skills of personnel. It is important to note that the formed communication competence is especially necessary for managers. It is the main tool for managing tasks. The results of the personnel's work can be considered through the results of the production, economic and other activities of the organization or subdivisions, as well as through the socio-economic working conditions of employees subordinate to it. The formed communication competence will help to achieve the goals set for the organization, increase efficiency and ensure the growth of the company, which directly affects the stability of personnel and customer loyalty. In order to analyze the peculiarities of the formation of comunicative competence of the personnel of the organization, the authors attempted to conduct this study.
competence, personnel, communicative competence, communications, competencies, competency approach, personnel management, human resources
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