Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the importance of self-control for the successful prevention of errors in the work of primary schoolchildren. The productivity of the methodology for the formation of the ability to control their activities in children is analyzed, the functions of self-control are highlighted. The necessity of closer attention to the formation and development of self-control skills during the period of study in primary school is proved. The reasons for the emergence of problems with the mastering of the current control of their actions, the algorithm of the operations carried out, as well as the difficulties caused by the lack of understanding of the nature and place of possible errors, the final result of the activity are considered. Changes in the educational process are proposed, which will eliminate such difficulties that lead to the appearance of errors. The article traces the connection between the ability of students to self-control and the development of their voluntary attention.

younger schoolchildren; control and self-control; leading activity; educational activities; algorithm of educational action; independence; causes of errors; development of the ability to self-control; prevention of possible errors

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