Rostov-na-Donu, Russian Federation
South Federal University (Master's Degree Student)
Digitalization and cognitization of modern business processes forms a qualitatively new request for modeling innovatively-oriented concepts for the development of education and consolidated forms of interaction between all participants in the labor market: educational service providers, the business community, graduates and the state, whose goal is unified and associated with effective employment of young specialists, who are the main strategic resource of the modern socio-economic system. However, with a seemingly common interest, for many years young specialists have been the most unprotected category in the labor market. Lack of practical skills and work experience, the need for additional investment in the formation of the so-called “applied competencies” makes the professional development strategies of graduates vulnerable and uncompetitive. In this regard, the article conducted a study on the conformity and consistency of professional requests of labor market participants to the competencies of young professionals in order to combine efforts for their faster adaptation and development in the labor market.
young specialists, labor market, unemployment, competencies, professional standard, federal educational standard, personnel management specialist
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