Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses issues related to both the current state of the labor market in Russia and in the future. The characteristic of the main components of the labor market is given: the number of people employed in the economy, the number of actively seeking work, the number of unemployed. The ratio of the number of laidoffs and the number of employees hired is considered. Reasons for dismissal of employees are revealed. Particular attention is paid to the consideration of employment conditions: full and part-time. A specific place is devoted to labor migration issues. The number of labor migrants with a work permit and working under patent conditions is disclosed. The problems of illegal labor migration are considered. The problems of unemployment, including those related to raising the retirement age, are highlighted. A view of the changing situation on the labor market in connection with the digitalization of the economy is proposed. Emphasis is placed on the need to train relevant specialists who will be most in demand in the future labor market. In addition, measures are proposed for employers in attracting highly qualified specialists.

labor market, human resources, unemployment, full-time and part-time employment, immigration and emigration of labor resources, work permit and patents, digitalization, brain drain, highly qualified workers, pension reform, labor revenues

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