Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The values of the virtual world form the specific behavior of the digital generation in the process of getting education and building a career. The article discusses the socio-cultural characteristics of the digital generation, which begins to play an increasingly prominent role in the labor market, and, therefore, deserves close study in the context of effective personnel management and the implementation of professional education. These features are identified as a result of a secondary analysis of data from Russian and foreign studies, a survey (in the form of a questionnaire) of youth representatives and expert interviews. Value orientations of the digital generation that were identified, affect its behavior in the process of obtaining education and professional self-realization, as well as methodologically justified tools for using the sociocultural features of the digital generation both in constructing a new digital educational process and in choosing methods for managing this category of personnel in a company.

socio-cultural features, digital natives, education, management, generation «Y», generation «Z»

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