Russian Federation
Russian Federation
This article is devoted to the problems of management and development of the labor market of the Republic of Buryatia. This article discusses the concepts of “labor resources”, “labor management system”. The main components of the labor management system in the region are considered. Systematized methods of labor management. The problems of the formation of new approaches to the management of labor resources in the Republic of Buryatia are highlighted. The features of the labor market infrastructure of the Republic of Buryatia are determined. A quantitative and qualitative analysis of the labor resources of the Republic of Buryatia, an analysis of the number of employees by type of economic activity and by form of ownership, an analysis of the distribution of cash incomes of the population of the Republic of Buryatia was carried out. Based on the analysis, a balance of labor resources was compiled, on the basis of which the main conclusions were made about the state of the labor market of the Republic of Buryatia, specific measures were developed to improve the infrastructure of the labor market of the republic.
labor market, labor resources, labor market management; human resources management, workforce balance, social partnership, labor market infrastructure
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