Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article reveals the theoretical foundations of civic education of primary school students. The author’s program is presented for diagnosing the level of formation of first-grade pupils of civic qualities, developed on the basis of the teaching methods of the “World-Around-Us” course, which includes three sections: “Representations about yourself and your country”; “Folk culture”; “Personal development”. A diagnostic toolkit is presented, consisting of questions for a conversation with a child, practical tasks, and an observation plan conducted by the teacher. The results of a regional study are analyzed and summarized, allowing to evaluate, taking into account the initial and final diagnostics, the individual progress of the student achieved in the first year of education in becoming him as a citizen of his country.

civic education in elementary school; first-grade pupil; regional study; diagnostic program; assessment of the level of formation of civic qualities; determination of the individual progress of the student in the first year of study

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