Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article reveals the relevance of studying the organizational culture and social responsibility of the university as a factor in the successful adaptation of students with limited opportunities of health. The features and potential of the organizational culture of the university as a whole and its social responsibility in matters of adaptation with a view to the subsequent professionalization of persons with disabilities are highlighted. The main trends of building the work of the university on the implementation of the project of the functioning of an accessible educational environment for students with limited opportunities of health by means of the organizational culture of the university are highlighted. The role of the university faculty in the implementation of: professional training of students with special needs in conjunction with their adaptation to the conditions of the educational institution is emphasized; programs of social and psychological support for persons with limited opportunities of health at the university; medical rehabilitation programs for students with limited opportunities of health. The work of the Center for Inclusive Education of the Ural Federal University providing creation and improvement of conditions for training and adaptation of disabled people and students with limited opportunities of health.

organizational culture, social responsibility, organizational culture and social responsibility of the university, adaptation of students with limited opportunities of health.Based on the analysis of the case study, it is shown how values are embedded in the company’s business valuation system, and factors that can be successfully managed based on corporate values through personnel assessment technologies are identified

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