Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Successful development of personnel, and with them the company is impossible without continuous improvement of skills and abilities, that is, without proper training of personnel. The income of the company, the opinion of customers and the prosperity of the company depend on the qualifi cation of the staff . The article presents an overview of the basic concepts and stages of the process of training and development of personnel. A study of the system of personnel training information portal BLIZKO.ru — analysis of documents, interviews with HR-Manager, an employee survey — helped to embed the system of training of personnel both in the administrative (development provisions for staff training, Supplement to the staff instructions of the personnel Manager) and meaningful (training) aspects. The social eff ect of the implemented measures is realized as an increase in the level of satisfaction with training, the level of competitiveness of the employee (professional mobility, the ability to acquire new knowledge, skills and practical skills), the compliance of professional training of the employee with the strategy of personnel management BLIZKO.ru.

personnel training, lifelong learning, stage of training, training need, training programs

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