Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the formation and functioning of the certification system for management personnel. The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that this period of economic development of Russia requires a particularly careful approach to assessing the qualities of hired personnel and the possibility of maximizing the quality of managing his work. In this aspect, the organizational and methodological aspects of management personnel certification come to the fore, with the help of which it is possible to select employees more clearly and subsequently coordinate the activities of the whole enterprise. Based on the analysis of modern approaches, the author’s definition of management personnel certification is proposed. The structure of the certification system for management personnel is formed, including such elements as qualification requirements for the employee; educational programs for advanced training, compiled in accordance with the qualification requirements; qualification assessment systems developed in accordance with the educational program of professional development and qualification requirements; system for monitoring the employees qualifications; system for assessing the quality of the certification system.

certification, managerial staff, system, qualification, competencies.

В российской экономике сегодня наметился переход к этапу дальнейшего экономического роста, который невозможен без развития в стране качества рабочей силы, а, соответственно, максимально эффективного управления тру-
довыми кадрами.


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