Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Support of the organization’s employees in personal and professional development and career growth, rational use of their potential in various directions and levels in the organization’s management system are the most important tasks that are called upon to solve the personnel reserve of management. To increase the eff ectiveness of this work, international experience in the sphere of talent management should be used, moreover, the author considers it expedient to consider work with the personnel reserve of the management as a talent management technology. The article considers the level of correlation of the processes of work with the personnel reserve of management and talent management, according to the opinion of employees of Russian organizations aged 21 and over who have higher education and discussed the feasibility of this approach. Primary empirical information was collected by a questionnaire survey of the working population (Moscow and Moscow region), aimed at a managerial career. The study found that the practice of talent management has become a strategically important component of the HR policy of any serious organization in Russia. However, not everyone realizes the importance of close correlation of the processes of work with the personnel reserve of management and talent management. The Russian theory of personnel management does not pay enough attention to talent management issues, and the practice of many Russian companies does not yet have a corresponding systematic approach.

management, development, personnel, personnel reserve, talent management.

Разработка теоретических аспектов работы с кадровым резервом руководства, анализ ее практической составляющей является актуальной задачей, учитывая необходимость социальноэкономического развития России и возрастающий интерес со стороны практиков к этому кругу вопросов.


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