Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers factors that prevent continuity in the implementation of pre-school and primary general education programs. The situations that give rise to pedagogical neglect of children at the preschool education level are discussed, and ways of overcoming it are suggested, in particular the use of such pedagogical technologies as conditional and controlled dialogue, listening, with the purpose of developing communicative and speech skills of children.

continuity between preschool and primary school education; Federal state educational standard of preschool education; Federal state educational standard of primary general education; Professional standard “Teacher”; pre-school didactics; psycholinguistics of child development; formation of communicative and speech skills.


Обратимся теперь к проблеме формирования универсальных коммуникативных действий у детей дошкольного возраста с целью их адаптации к школьному обучению.


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