Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper presents the concept of a system of vocational and career development of civil servants. System properties are defined, the place of the system of professional career development of civil servants in the personnel management system of public authority is justified. The structure of the system of professional career development is presented, which is difficult to organize content and includes the following subsystems: manage and control, target, function, technology, provides, as well as internal and external factors affecting the professional career development of civil servants. The content of each of the subsystems of vocational and career development of civil servants system is developed. The ways of improving the efficiency of civil servants on the basis of their professional and career growth are given. The novelty of the proposed approach consists in developing of scientifically sound theoretical foundation, necessary methodological and organizational methods of the system of professional career development of civil servants.

civil service, civil servants, professional and career growth, professional development, personnel management, system, goals, objectives, function, object, subject, factors, support.

Повышение эффективности использования кадрового состава государственной гражданской службы — один из факторов укрепления современной российской государственности, действенный инструмент эффективной реализации задач и функций органов государственной власти. Решение этих задач требует от науки поиска новых подходов, позволяющих обеспечить эффективное управление кадровым составом государственной гражданской службы.


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