Обложка журнала
Title (English)
Language of publication
1998-1740 (print)
Russian science citation index:
Yes 9617
Russian higher attestation Commission:

Requirements for the paper

The journal publishes articles that match the aims and scope of the journal and its headings. An article must be original, previously unpublished, and must not violate intellectual property rights of third parties.

The article should:

  • take into account all the recent changes in the current legislation;
  • contain references to normative documents;
  • be carefully checked and accompanied by review.

Length of the article: 5-15 pages. The text should be typed in Microsoft Word, version Word-98 or higher. The main text font : Times New Roman; font-size body text is 14 PT; line spacing - 1,5.

The article should include:

  • information about the author: position, scientific degree, academic rank; the address information of the author(s) (organization(s), address(s); e-mail of all or one author);
  • title, abstract (100-250 words), keywords (5-7 words or phrases, separated by semicolon), references (laws and regulations should be cited with their full name, number and date of adoption).

Drawings, photographs should be created or processed in the programs Adobe Illustrator 7.0-10.0, Adobe Photoshop 6.0-8 and saved in TIF, EPS, Al, or JPG formats. All tables, charts and diagrams should be embedded in the text and have a connection (to be available for editing) with the program in which they are created, the file resolution - 300 dpi.

This section is in progress.

Publishing procedure

Submitting manuscripts

You can submit an article:

  • either by registering on the Naukaru.ru website and filling the application form in your Personal Account;
  • or by e-mailing the article to mag16@naukaru.ru.

Note that your application must meet the Requirements for the paper.

Accepting manuscripts

All information about received articles registered by the executive secretary of the journal.

On receiving an application the Editor- in-chief (or the Deputy-Chief Editor) decides whether the article matches the topics relevant to the journal and conforms to the Requirements for the paper.

Articles that do not qualifyare returned to the author with reasons for rejection.

Articles that satisfy the requirements are reviewed primarily by the members of the Editorial board.

Reviewing manuscripts

Articles of Doctors are reviewed by Doctors, articles of PhDs and of authors without scientific degrees are reviewed by Doctors and PhDs.

An article can't be reviewed by itsauthor (co-author); however, it may be reviewed by the Academic adviser.

Articles of Members and Corresponding Members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Education, as well as of members of the Editorial board, are not reviewed.

The review is provided to the author upon his/her written request without any signature, i.e. referee's name, position, or place of employment.

The review is available upon request of the Expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation.

The review must reveal the assessment of validity and originality of the topic. The final part of the review must provide a clear recommendation either on publishing the article "as is", or on its improving or revising.

The article modified or revised by the author is resubmitted for review along with its initial version in as short a time as possible. If an article is held up for more than three months or requires another revision, it is treated as a new one.

After a paper has been peer-reviewedthe Editor-in-chief makes the decision on publishing the article; if necessary, the decision is made by the Editorial board on its meeting on the next issue of the journal.

If the article is accepted, authors are informed via e-mail.

Signing the Agreement

After the article is accepted for publication, the author signs License agreement with the publishing house, i.e. provides the necessary data, prints the contract, signs it and posts it to the publisher.


On being published in a journal issue the article is assigned DOI, and its metadata is supplied to the RSCI.

The author receives a conformation e-mail about publishing of his/her article.

The author can request a free PDF file of the article or buy a paper issue.

Reviewing and publishing of articles is free of charge.

Ryzhakov Mikhail V.  — Glavnyy redaktor
Russian Academy of Education (Professor)
doctor of pedagogical sciences
Russian Federation
Merkulova Nadezhda  — Zamestitel' glavnogo redaktora

Bolotov Viktor  — Chlen redsoveta
National Research University Higher School of Economics (Center of education quality monitoring, Scientific Director)
doctor of pedagogical sciences
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Kiselev Aleksandr  — Membrer of Editorial Board
doctor of historical sciences
professor ,
academician Russian Academy of Education
Russian Federation
Kravcov Sergey Sergeevich  — Chlen redsoveta
Federal'naya sluzhba po nadzoru v sfere obrazovaniya i nauki, (rukovoditel')
doctor of pedagogical sciences
Russian Federation
Ryzhakov Mikhail V.  — Membrer of Editorial Board
Russian Academy of Education (Professor)
doctor of pedagogical sciences
Russian Federation
Smolin Oleg Nikolaevich  — Chlen redsoveta
Shishov Sergey  — Chlen redsoveta
Moscow State University of Technologies and Management named after K.G. Razumovskiy (Institute of Social-Humanitarian Sciences, Scientific Director)
doctor of pedagogical sciences
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Shudegov Viktor Evgrafovich  — Chlen redsoveta
Sklyankina Dar'ya  — Vypuskayuschiy redaktor
Russian Federation
INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC.
Registration address
127282, g. Moskva, ul. Polyarnaya, d. 31V, str. 1
The certificate of registration of the periodical

Requirements for the paper

The journal publishes articles that match the aims and scope of the journal and its headings. An article must be original, previously unpublished, and must not violate intellectual property rights of third parties.

The article should:

  • take into account all the recent changes in the current legislation;
  • contain references to normative documents;
  • be carefully checked and accompanied by review.

Length of the article: 5-15 pages. The text should be typed in Microsoft Word, version Word-98 or higher. The main text font : Times New Roman; font-size body text is 14 PT; line spacing - 1,5.

The article should include:

  • information about the author: position, scientific degree, academic rank; the address information of the author(s) (organization(s), address(s); e-mail of all or one author);
  • title, abstract (100-250 words), keywords (5-7 words or phrases, separated by semicolon), references (laws and regulations should be cited with their full name, number and date of adoption).

Drawings, photographs should be created or processed in the programs Adobe Illustrator 7.0-10.0, Adobe Photoshop 6.0-8 and saved in TIF, EPS, Al, or JPG formats. All tables, charts and diagrams should be embedded in the text and have a connection (to be available for editing) with the program in which they are created, the file resolution - 300 dpi.

This section is in progress.

Publishing procedure

Submitting manuscripts

You can submit an article:

  • either by registering on the Naukaru.ru website and filling the application form in your Personal Account;
  • or by e-mailing the article to mag16@naukaru.ru.

Note that your application must meet the Requirements for the paper.

Accepting manuscripts

All information about received articles registered by the executive secretary of the journal.

On receiving an application the Editor- in-chief (or the Deputy-Chief Editor) decides whether the article matches the topics relevant to the journal and conforms to the Requirements for the paper.

Articles that do not qualifyare returned to the author with reasons for rejection.

Articles that satisfy the requirements are reviewed primarily by the members of the Editorial board.

Reviewing manuscripts

Articles of Doctors are reviewed by Doctors, articles of PhDs and of authors without scientific degrees are reviewed by Doctors and PhDs.

An article can't be reviewed by itsauthor (co-author); however, it may be reviewed by the Academic adviser.

Articles of Members and Corresponding Members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Education, as well as of members of the Editorial board, are not reviewed.

The review is provided to the author upon his/her written request without any signature, i.e. referee's name, position, or place of employment.

The review is available upon request of the Expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation.

The review must reveal the assessment of validity and originality of the topic. The final part of the review must provide a clear recommendation either on publishing the article "as is", or on its improving or revising.

The article modified or revised by the author is resubmitted for review along with its initial version in as short a time as possible. If an article is held up for more than three months or requires another revision, it is treated as a new one.

After a paper has been peer-reviewedthe Editor-in-chief makes the decision on publishing the article; if necessary, the decision is made by the Editorial board on its meeting on the next issue of the journal.

If the article is accepted, authors are informed via e-mail.

Signing the Agreement

After the article is accepted for publication, the author signs License agreement with the publishing house, i.e. provides the necessary data, prints the contract, signs it and posts it to the publisher.


On being published in a journal issue the article is assigned DOI, and its metadata is supplied to the RSCI.

The author receives a conformation e-mail about publishing of his/her article.

The author can request a free PDF file of the article or buy a paper issue.

Reviewing and publishing of articles is free of charge.

                        Shishov Sergey
Shishov Sergey Moscow State University of Technologies and Management named after K.G. Razumovskiy (Institute of Social-Humanitarian Sciences, Scientific Director)
doctor of pedagogical sciences

                        Shkalikov E. V.
Shkalikov E. V. Vyatka State University (kafedra pedagogiki)
graduate student

                        Shmakova A.
Shmakova A. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

                        Shterenzon Vera
Shterenzon Vera Ural Federal Univercity (Institute of New Materials and Technologies, assistant professor)
employee from 01.01.1993 to 27.09.2018
candidate of technical sciences


                        Shul'gin G.
Shul'gin G. Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture (kafedra biomehaniki i informacionnyh tehnologiy, Senior Lecturer)
employee from 01.01.2007 until now

                        Shurygin K. P.
Shurygin K. P. Gymnasium No. 19, Omsk

                        Shutikova M.
Shutikova M. Military University named after Prince Alexander Nevsky (Department of Informatics and Management, Head)
doctor of pedagogical sciences

                        Schapov A.
Schapov A. Yaroslavl State Medical University

                        Schelkunov E. B.
Schelkunov E. B. Komsomolsk-on-Amur State University (kafedra "Tehnologiya mashinostroeniya", Associate Professor)
candidate of technical sciences

                        Schelkunova M. E.
Schelkunova M. E. Komsomolsk-on-Amur State University (Department of Computer Software and Computer Applications, Associate Professor)
candidate of technical sciences

                        Shcherbatykh Sergey
Shcherbatykh Sergey Bunin Yelets State University (rector's office, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs)
employee from 01.01.2014 until now
doctor of pedagogical sciences from 01.01.2012 until now

professor from 01.01.2017 until now

                        Eliphanov A.-V.
Eliphanov A.-V. Chechen State Pedagogical University (Department of the Mathematical Analysis, Senior Lecturer)

                        Yusova M.
Yusova M. Academy of Public Administration

                        Yakimchuk O.
Yakimchuk O. State Services Department, Federal Education and Science Supervision Service (State Services Department, Head)

Ryzhakov Mikhail V.  — Glavnyy redaktor
Russian Academy of Education (Professor)
doctor of pedagogical sciences

Russian Federation
Merkulova Nadezhda  — Zamestitel' glavnogo redaktora

Bolotov Viktor  — Chlen redsoveta
National Research University Higher School of Economics (Center of education quality monitoring, Scientific Director)
doctor of pedagogical sciences

Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Kiselev Aleksandr  — Membrer of Editorial Board
doctor of historical sciences

professor ,
academician Russian Academy of Education
Russian Federation
Kravcov Sergey Sergeevich  — Chlen redsoveta
Federal'naya sluzhba po nadzoru v sfere obrazovaniya i nauki, (rukovoditel')
doctor of pedagogical sciences

Russian Federation
Ryzhakov Mikhail V.  — Membrer of Editorial Board
Russian Academy of Education (Professor)
doctor of pedagogical sciences

Russian Federation
Smolin Oleg Nikolaevich  — Chlen redsoveta

Shishov Sergey  — Chlen redsoveta
Moscow State University of Technologies and Management named after K.G. Razumovskiy (Institute of Social-Humanitarian Sciences, Scientific Director)
doctor of pedagogical sciences

Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Shudegov Viktor Evgrafovich  — Chlen redsoveta

Sklyankina Dar'ya  — Vypuskayuschiy redaktor

Russian Federation


Code 37
Name Образование. Воспитание. Обучение. Организация досуга



Journal "Standards and Monitoring in Education" was established in 1998. It is still the only and the oldest in our country scientific and methodological publication, a which key theme is coverage of all issues related to the standards and monitoring of general and vocational education.

The journal was established when schools of the Russian Federation passed on General standards of the first generation, and was a completely new normative-methodical document of theory for practice education.

"Standards and monitoring in education" was headed by Vadim Lednev - the Director of standards development, academician of Russian Academy of Education. So readers receive "first-hand" information on the issue of standards and monitoring that not only ensures a high ranking journal, but also greatly helped the national school to learn a new space for themselves - the space of state educational standards.

The editorial board of the journal includes acknowledged experts in this field: the Deputy Ministers of Education of the Russian Federation V. Bolotov and A. Kiselev, Vice-chairmen of the Education Committee of the State Duma O. Smolin and C. Shudegov, currently head of Rosobrnadzor S. Kravtsov, academics of Russian Academy of Education A. Kuznetsov, M. Ryzhakov, the author of the General concept of standards S. Shishov and other professionals.

In recent years the journal has significantly expanded the subject matter of publications. The problems of legal education, pedagogics of higher school, the most important questions of methodology and techniques of general and vocational education, foreign experience are discussed.

High quality and relevance of publications, sustainable reader's interest, professionalism of authors provide a high rating of "Standards and monitoring in education", which allowed him to enter into the list of scientific journals in which the Higher Attestation Commission recommends to publish scientific results of dissertations on competition of scientific degrees of candidate and doctor of sciences.

Frequency: 6 issues per year.

The journal is included in the American database of periodical and serial publications of Ulrich's.

Subscription index in the catalogue of the Agency "Rospechat" - 47691.


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