from 01.01.2018 to 01.01.2021
Russian Federation
National University of Science and Technology "MISIS"
Russian Federation
The paper considers the rhetoric and cognitive analysis of the contemporary political French medialandscape within linguistic research of political discourse by the example of verbal behavior of J.-L. Mélenchon, M. Le Pen and E. Macron representing three major political parties on the French political stage. It is being mentioned that nowadays political media rhetorics as a new branch of humanities permits to undertake diverse types of linguistic analysis. It is illustrated that by using special figures of speech the rhetorical representation of denunciation is being implemented and is often used as one of the methods of so — called «spin» or «propaganda war» in contemporary French political medialandscape. The author attempts to illustrate that within special language features the reversed and negative image of the actor of the contemporary French political stage could be created. The aim of the research is to illustrate that by using diverse rhetoric means and language units within French political landscape it is possible to undertake so-called spin wars. It is as well attempted to draw attention to the fact that by linguistic usage of figurality the contemporary political framework is revealed. The empiric material is based on the linguistic units of the websites of French politicians, such as and /https:// The practical significance of the article represents the possibility of implementing the analyzed exemples of language units within the preparation of such option courses as contrastive lexicology and contrastive phraseology while teaching the French language at Universities to students of philology.
media, social media, new media, science in the information society, mediatization of science, problems of mediatization of science
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