Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov (Department of Socio-Cultural Design and Development of Territories, Professor)
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Acceleration of scientific and technological progress, accompanied by continuous complication of the created systems, requires adequate advanced development of the methodology for studying the processes of creating these systems in the interests of ensuring the effectiveness of managing their functioning. In this regard, the analysis of general system laws and principles as a methodological basis for studying complex systems, including the methodology of systems analysis, is of interest. The purpose of the presented studies is to analyze the principles of continuity of the general theory of systems as a basic basis for developing the principles of system analysis of the processes of functioning of complex technical systems and to assess the possibilities of their further deployment in accordance with the implemented and expected processes of development of scientific and technological progress. The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in the critical analysis and further development of the principles of continuity of the general theory of systems as a basic basis for the principles of system analysis of the processes of functioning of complex technical systems. The practical significance of the obtained results lies in the possibility of using the proposed recommendations for the further development of general system principles of systems theory in the interests of improving approaches to the systems analysis of the processes of construction and management of the functioning of complex technical systems.
analysis, principles of continuity, general theory of systems, methodological basis of management, complex technical systems
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