MAOU Lyceum named after I.V.Avdzeiko (art teacher)
The article describes the results of the program of socialization of adolescents with normal and impaired hearing through the study of Russian sign language and joint creative activities to create cartoons. The study of sign language according to the results of the survey aroused interest among adolescents with normal hearing and served as a condition for communication and organization of joint creative activities, as well as contributed to the development of attention and psychological stability. The results of the study before and after the application of the program showed that the children's self-esteem increased, the level of frustration decreased, their emotional attitude towards animation, team, help, future, present, respect for elders, for themselves improved, and creative activity developed.
socialization of adolescents, hearing impairment, animation, sign language, creative activity, self-esteem, self-attitude, attention, creative personality
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