Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The technological gap that has developed in society at the present time, as well as the aggravation of socio-economic and political crises, has led to a radical change in the structure of the labor market. New professions are emerging that make it possible to perform work without tying the worker to a specific place and time. Hidden entrepreneurship is becoming a significant problem against the backdrop of the intensification of all the challenges facing civilization. Issues of labor market protection are coming to the fore in all sovereign countries. The Russian Federation is no exception. The imperfections of migration, tax, and social policies directly affect the solution to this problem. The problem that is solved in this article is to determine possible options for exiting the current situation, based on the sociology of management, proposing new management standards in the field of regulating entrepreneurship in the Russian Federation.

latent entrepreneurship, employment, migration, demography, standards, behavior

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