Russian Federation
The purpose of the presented article is to identify factors affecting the growth of labor productivity and a substantive analysis of their relationship. In the presented work, the author analyzed a number of economic indicators of some countries in various industries. The article assesses the dynamics of economic indicators and their correlation with factors traditionally recognized as significantly affecting labor productivity. The lack of a direct relationship between the stock-making capacity, as one of the frequently used factors of efficiency, and the growth of labor productivity is clearly demonstrated. Moreover, the identified dependencies are applicable in all industries, except for the agricultural sector of Japan, where the gap is significantly lower. The article also provides an overview of cultural differences in attitudes towards labor in a number of countries. The author concluded that none of the presented cultural patterns in the modern world can become absolutely successful in stimulating the growth of labor productivity, the key to success is a harmonious combination of them.
labor productivity, stock-making, ratio of productivity indicators, labor culture, attitude to labor
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