Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The system of secondary vocational training in Russia is undergoing significant changes regarding the quality of training of competent specialists who are able not only to carry out professional activities in modern socio-economic conditions, but also to successfully compete in those sectors of the national economy where they will work after graduation. As noted in the state program of the Russian Federation “Development of Education” until 2030, special attention is paid to the development of dual education and environmental education of students. In this regard, since 2014, dual (practice-oriented) training has been successfully implemented in secondary vocational education institutions in the country, within which students acquire basic theoretical knowledge in college classes and acquire practical skills at the enterprise. The purpose of the article is to study ways of developing students’ environmental competence in the system of secondary vocational education. Materials and research methods include an analytical review of scientific research related to the formation of environmental competence in dual learning conditions. The results of the study and their discussion are determined by the choice of approaches, technologies, methods, techniques and forms of work to develop students’ environmental competence. In conclusion, the results of the study are summarized.

ecological culture, greening of education and training, environmental competence, dual education, integrative approach, case study technology, business game, integrated tasks with environmental content

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