from 01.01.2016 until now
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
This article is devoted to the analysis of the Russian advertising technical discourse. The subject of the article is the sociolinguistic features of the Russian advertising technical discourse on the example of electronic technical advertising in 2024, addressed to a mass audience. Materials and methods. The empirical material was electronic advertising messages created to promote high-tech products in Yandex in 2024. The sample size for the article was 146 texts of technical advertising. Interpretive analysis and the method of content analysis were used in the analysis of the material. Results. The results of the study showed that, taken together, the characteristics of the RATD are multifaceted: there is not only reflects confidence in technical achievements and professionalism, but also unites there is an emphasis on urgency, safety and creativity, as well as on the orientation on national culture and spiritual and cultural values. The RATD also demonstrates a new feature of modern technical advertising - interactivity. Together, these elements have formed a unique style of RATD. The results of the research can be used in practical work by advertising specialists promoting technical and high-tech products on the Russian market; in lecture courses on technical discourse and advertising discourse.
smart home, Russian advertising, advertising technical discourse
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