Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
In the context of contemporary challenges for Russian business, human resource management strategies of enterprises are becoming increasingly humancentred, programs for supporting employee well-being are being actively implemented, and new ways of managing engagement, loyalty, and job satisfaction are being sought, which are integral components of well-being at work. The purpose of the pilot study is to develop and test a methodological approach to monitoring the level of employee well-being, which includes the conceptual model “Employee Well-being Wheel” and a subjective assessment tool for indicators of engagement, loyalty, and job satisfaction in the form of a questionnaire. Empirical data collection was carried out at a meat and dairy enterprise in 2023–2024 with the involvement of 10 employees from the Human Resources Department. Processing and analysing the data obtained was carried out in the logic of the conceptual model, within which employee well-being is considered as a holistic phenomenon consisting of its elements: physical and mental health, personal and professional development, social relationships and ties, opportunities for rest, financial stability. An important part of the author’s methodology is the visualization of the analysis results, which contributes to the improvement of the interpretation processes of cause-and-effect relationships, the identification of hidden trends, and the making of management decisions aimed at maintaining the well-being of the enterprise’s employees. As a result of the pilot study, the expediency of applying the author’s methodology at the enterprise was confirmed, as well as the need for the next stage with an increase in the number of employees involved in the study.
employee well-being, subjective well-being, employee engagement, employee loyalty, job satisfaction, data visualization
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