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Abstract (English):
The transition of the Rubicon from an unsaturated market in the industrial era to a highly saturated market in the modern post-industrial era stimulated an avalanche-like expansion of the range of economic activities, ensuring the growth of the range of goods, works and services provided. These circumstances led to the emergence of new sectors of the economy, and, accordingly, new areas of applied management, requiring research into their content, analysis and assessment of development prospects, which determined the relevance of the choice of the topic of the work. The purpose of this work is to study the directions of development of applied management in the post-industrial era, occurring adequately to the dynamics of sectoral development of the modern economy. The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in the systematic presentation of the list and description of the content of the applied management areas that have formed at the current moment of development of the post-industrial economy, arranged in alphabetical order: from K to M. The practical significance of the obtained results lies in the possibility of their use both for further research into the processes of development of applied management areas in the post- industrial era, and for taking into account the possibilities of differentiation of management areas in the practice of enterprises, industries and complexes.

development of areas, applied management, post-industrial era, part 2 - from K to M
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