Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The article considers key issues of creating an inclusive environment in colleges and technical schools for young people with disabilities and disorders of psychophysical development. A detailed analysis of foreign and domestic modern studies in the field of vocational training of young people with disabilities is conducted. A diagnostic toolkit is described that allows assessing the level of readiness of professional educational organizations to implement inclusive practices. The diagnostic toolkit allows for a comprehensive assessment of the conditions for implementing inclusive processes at the socio-pedagogical, personal-activity, organizational-didactic levels from the perspective of different participants in the training of students with disabilities and deviations in psychophysical development. A study was conducted on the creation of special conditions in colleges and technical schools in different regions of the country, ensuring an increase in the demand for vocational education among applicants with disabilities and disorders of psychophysical development and their parents, as well as improving the quality of vocational training for this category of citizens. During the diagnostic procedures, a SWOT analysis of the college and technical school environment was carried out, which made it possible to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the organization of the inclusive environment of each professional educational organization participating in the study. The risks and opportunities for the development of inclusive professional education, including secondary education, were identified, taking into account the specifics of the regional labor market, the prospective development program of the subject of the Russian Federation. The conducted study, through cluster analysis, made it possible to identify the levels of creating special conditions for students with disabilities and psychophysical development disorders, to give their descriptive characteristics, and to determine the prospects for the development of an inclusive educational environment for each professional educational organization participating in this study.
special conditions, inclusive vocational education, students with disabilities and psychophysical development disorders, colleges and technical schools
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