Russian Federation
The article is based on the main key ideas of formation, planned meta-subject results. The article considers the methodology of implementation of the requirements of the federal working program of basic general education in teaching mathematics, taking into account the goals of teaching mathematics. An approach to the formation of cognitive universal educational actions of students in teaching geometry is proposed, using educational tasks and educational assignments.
distance learning, field practice, botany, excursion, mobile technologies, immersive technologies, ICT competencies
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2. Bozhenkova L.I. Metodika formirovaniya universal'nyh uchebnyh deystviy pri obuchenii algebre / L.I. Bozhenkova. – M.: Laboratoriya znaniy, 2016. – 240 s. EDN:
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4. Vasil'eva M.V. Realizaciya trebovaniy obnovlennogo standarta pri vypolnenii uchebnyh zadach na urokah matematiki // Profil'naya shkola. 2023. – T. 11. – № 2. – S. 28–32. DOI:; EDN:
5. Vasil'eva M.V. Realizaciya trebovaniy obnovlennogo standarta srednego obschego obrazovaniya pri izuchenii tem razdela «mnogogranniki» // Standarty i monitoring v obrazovanii. 2023. – T. 11. – № 5. – S. 43–51. DOI:; EDN: