Russian Federation
Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
The paper considers the issues of organizational, methodological and instrumental support for the processes of diversification of organizations and enterprises of the Russian military-industrial complex. Based on the conducted analysis, the key functions of the company are identified and organizational competencies that arise in the process of diversifying enterprises and defense industry organizations are identified. The article proposes and substantiates: principles of diversification of enterprises and organizations of the defense industry, the degree of participation of enterprise units in the process of production diversification, flexibility of the organizational structure of enterprise management, tools for assessing economic consequences. The proposals on the monitoring of differentiation activities are presented, which are based on the indicators of the effectiveness of the functioning of each unit, as well as a comprehensive indicator formed on the basis of the desirability function. Conclusions are drawn about the necessity of developing and implementing appropriate organizational, methodological, technical, economic, and instrumental justification of verification procedures.
military-industrial complex, diversification, organizational competencies, efficiency of diversification activities, desirability function
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