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Abstract (English):
In our unstable, rapidly developing society, stress prevention is becoming particularly relevant. According to experts, in 2021, the global economy lost about $8 trillion from stress. Every third employee in the world suffers from occupational stress or experiences some kind of psychological difficulties.[1] Therefore, in this article, the authors suggest focusing on professional stress. Global changes taking place in the global economy, changes in the content and organization of work caused by the introduction of information and communication technologies have led to an increase in a variety of stressful factors: These are, first of all, the introduction of ICT in the workplace, the transformation of the labor market, the disappearance of a number of old professions and the emergence of new ones, information overload, social deprivation, reduction of communication channels due to the spread of remote forms of work, etc. Changes occurring with unusual rapidity for the human psyche cause constant tension, a sense of instability, fear and eventually exhaustion of the nervous system, stress turns into depression, chronic diseases, mental disorders. The ability to cope with stress is becoming an increasingly urgent need. For the economy, the consequences of distress are expressed in a decrease in labor productivity and innovation activity, an increase in dissatisfaction with work, an increase in turnover and, as a result, turn into a loss of efficiency and competitiveness of organizations. Thus, the effects of stress in general have a negative impact on the state of human capital in each specific organization and the country as a whole. The authors analyze the main causes of occupational stress in modern conditions and propose measures to prevent it in the workplace.

professional'nyy stress, rezilentnost', istochniki stressa, profilaktika, monitoring stressogennosti
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